  • Class and Course

    Petrel Velocity Modeling - RILS (Remote Instructor Led Series)

    This is a Remote Instructor Led Series (RILS) training. The remote classroom delivery is a modality that takes advantage of the instructor led training content, while allowing the same content to be delivered remotely. All training sessions will be delivered online with no face-to-face classroom attendance.

    The purpose of the Petrel Velocity Modeling - RILS course is to introduce the velocity modeling, velocity handling and domain conversion functionalities in Petrel.

    The course takes the participants through the preparation stage of the data used for velocity estimation and modeling. This includes the quality control and editing of checkshot data used in sonic calibration and the quality control of time surfaces and well tops used for defining velocity intervals. Furthermore, the available velocity modeling approaches are discussed and applied, including well velocity estimation, the nature and modeling of seismic velocities, surface-based and 3D grid-based seismic velocity modeling, as well as user-defined velocity functions.

    After the velocity modeling phase, domain conversion of various objects and how to model structural uncertainty is covered.

    The Petrel Velocity Modeling - RILS course will be delivered over a total of twenty-four (24) Hours; i.e. in five (5) sessions lasting 5 Hours each, except the second and the fifth session which will last 4.5 Hours each.

    Each participant will need the following for an optimal experience of the course:

    • Windows-based PC
    • USB headset
    • Internet access
    • Second monitor or tablet for the course manual(s)
    • Webcam

    Day 1

    Session 1: Modules 1 & 2 (Part 1)

    (5 Hours)

    • Preparation of well data
    • Velocity model setup and output

    In this module, the participants will learn how to quality control checkshot data and define velocity intervals based on well tops. In addition, they will learn about various sonic calibration procedures, the Simple velocity model functionality, the main elements of the Advanced velocity model process, the available velocity functions and the corresponding inputs and outputs created by the Advanced velocity model process.

    Day 2

    Session 2: Modules 2 (Part 2) & 3

    (4.5 Hours)

    • Velocity model setup and output
    • Velocity extraction and modification

    In addition to Module 2, this session will be dedicated to the methodologies for extracting and editing velocity data used for updating velocity models.


    Day 3

    Session 3: Modules 4 & 5 (Part 1)

    (5 Hours)

    • Depth error analysis and correction
    • Surface-based seismic velocity modeling

    This session will cover the depth error correction and handling of depth error residuals, as well as how to set up a depth correction model. The participants will also learn about loading and quality controlling seismic velocities (stacking velocities), about performing Dix conversion using stacking velocities. In addition, they will model velocity surfaces, use the velocity surfaces to build velocity models and then set up a seismic-guided well velocity model.


    Day 4

    Session 4: Modules 5 (Part 2) & 6

    (5 Hours)

    • Surface-based seismic velocity modeling
    • 3D grid-based seismic velocity modeling

    In this session, the participants will learn to model stacking velocities as an average velocity and an interval velocity property in a 3D grid, derive the scaling/correction factor for both velocity types using well velocities and correct the seismic velocities by the time-varying scaling/correction factor. Then, they will use the corrected dataset for velocity modeling.


    Day 5

    Session 5: Modules 7, 8 & 9

    (4.5 Hours)

    • 3D volume - seismic velocity modeling
    • User-defined velocity functions
    • Domain conversion

    In this final session, the participants will first learn how to alternative methods for velocity modeling, using 3D volume - seismic velocities or user-defined functions. 

    One of the key objectives in building a velocity model is to be able to convert an object from one domain to another, usually from a time domain to a depth domain. Therefore, in the last part of the course, the participants will learn about domain conversion and quality control of converted objects.


    Development and exploration geologists, geophysicists, petroleum engineers, managers, reservoir engineers and technical personnel with prior experience in Petrel.


    • Quality control and editing of well data - checkshots, sonic logs, well tops
    • Checkshot calibration of sonic logs
    • Discussion of available velocity functions as well as different velocity modeling approaches
    • Velocity modeling using well data – checkshots and sonic logs
    • Velocity modeling using well tops
    • Quality control and editing of velocity modeling results
    • Depth error analysis and correction
    • Surface based seismic velocity modeling
    • 3D grid based seismic velocity modeling
    • Addressing anisotropy in seismic velocities
    • Geostatistical methods in modeling well velocities against seismic velocities
    • Quantifying residual depth error and creating a depth correction model to address the residuals
    • Creating user defined velocity functions
    • Domain conversion
    • Modeling of structural uncertainty


    Petrel Geophysical Interpretation, Petrel Geophysics course or similar Petrel experience.

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