  • Class and Course

    10 Day - Introduction to Petroleum Exploration and Production with OilSim - (Virtual Instructor-Led Series) - Duplicate course

    Introduction to Petroleum Exploration and Production with OilSim course is a VILT (virtually instructor led training) course delivered in real time. The course will be taught in 4 hour sessions over a 10 day period and is delivered using A virtual platform. Our virtual training methodology incorporates active and passive learning in an effort to achieve the best virtual training experience.

    The course content is designed to expose the participants to the full life cycle of the oil and gas industry.

    The course will provide an overview of technologies, workflows and processes that enable the oil and gas industry to explore, appraise, develop and produce hydrocarbons.

    Throughout the course, participants will experience the dynamics, risks and rewards associated with the industry along with their social, environmental and financial impacts.

    The course is built around OilSim, a hands-on online learning simulator, in which teams become oil and gas companies. They collaborate and compete with each other, making critical decisions and taking chosen actions as they experience the realistic business environment.

    The teams are constantly supported by the instructor, with private breakout sessions available for them to learn through their own strategies and discussions.

    At the conclusion of the course students will be able to:

    Gain an understanding of:

    The lifecycle of the upstream oil and gas business and the major activities in each phase

    How we explore for oil and gas and where oil comes from

    The types of drilling rigs and the process of drilling and completing well

    Techniques for gathering and appraising reservoir date

    What comprises a field development plan

    How to produce and oil and gas and what products come from Oil and Gas

    Each student will need the following to attend.

    1. Computer - Min computer spec: Windows 7, 2GB Ram, 2GHz CPU and 15" screen at min resolution 1024x768.
    2. USB Headset
    3. Video Capabilities (720HD)
    4. Internet Access with Chrome browser for optimal simulation participation
    5. MS Office
    6. Download WEBEX app

    DAY 1 AND 2


    In day one, the participants will be exposed to the definition of hydrocarbon deposits and the key phases of the reservoir life cycle. Consequently, the course will cover the principle of Exploration Geology and Geophysics. Introducing exploration technologies and process that enables the oil and gas industry to define the origins of petroleum reservoirs, as well as exploration business processes and risk assessment.

    OilSim challenge 1 "Nominating blocks" will be utilized in a competitive but friendly teamwork environment.

    Day 3 and 4


    In day two, the course will continue covering exploring using common risk segment maps (CRS) and 2D seismic.  Drilling will be extensively covered including who is involved in drilling, main types of rigs and main rig sub-systems, and well design, directional drilling and the drilling AFE.

    OilSim challenge 2a "Prioritizing blocks with CRS" and challenge 2b "Use of 2D seismic and bidding" will be utilized in a competitive but friendly teamwork environment.  In OilSim challenge 3a participants learn about portfolio risks and collaboration between oil and gas companies through partnership agreements.

    Day 5 and 6

    Appraisal and Field Development Planning

    In day three, appraisal technologies and processes that define the rocks and fluids (Oil/Gas/Water) properties; how the reservoirs are evaluated; estimate and categorize resources and reserves; define how the discoveries are going to be produced - drive/depletion mechanisms; completions types and activities.  Field development planning activities using the appraisal information and petroleum economics and risk will also be discussed.

    OilSim challenge 3b "Appraisal Drilling" and challenge 4 "Depletion planning" will be utilized in a competitive but friendly teamwork environment.

    Day 7 and 8

    Facilities Planning and Construction

    In day four, the facilities and why they needed is addressed.  Personnel involved in facilities design and construction, the main pieces of equipment in the facilities and their function are all discussed.  The basics of project management are also introduced as an important part of the construction process.

    OilSim challenge 5 "Facilities Planning",  challenge 6a "Construction project planning", and challenge 6b "Construction project execution" will be utilized in a competitive but friendly teamwork environment.

    Day 9 and 10

    Producing and Summary

    In day five, the course will review personnel and companies involved in production. Consequently, participants will be exposed to technologies and processes required to prepare and produce well fluids; process the recovered fluid to separate oil, gas and water and sell oil and gas and dispose or reinject water. Furthermore, the course will cover how to minimize operating expenses; monitor and maximize production; and eventually abandon a well. 

    The course will end with team reflections on all learning modules, as well as the use of OilSim.

    Introduction to Petroleum Exploration and Production with OilSim is an awareness level course designed for any professionals associated with the oil and gas industry, including support functions such as HR, IT and finance, as well as professionals who would like to learn about the Oil and Gas industry.

    • Life Cycle – Exploration, Appraisal, Development and production of the oil and gas industry.
    • Technologies – exposure to enabling technologies and processes for successful exploitation of the non-renewable hydrocarbon resources.
    • Social, environmental and financial aspects of the oil and gas business.
    • People – involved personnel and their functions in the oil and gas business.
    • Collaboration in a virtual online environment
    • Practice general soft skills, such as communication, negotiation and teamwork – all so important in day to day business.


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