  • Class and Course

    Advanced Level Training in Modern Techniques for Firefighting in Well & Oil Tanks

    Course Description

    • In the oil & gas business, firefighting techniques are a day-to-day concern and 24 hours job at different facilities.  The most common type of fires in structures that we face is those which involve just a single compartment: room-and-contents fires. Putting all of our skills in play, including size-up, pump operation, forcible entry, interior hose movement, and search, they serve as an unofficial “benchmark” operation to compare our abilities with that of other crews and form the core theme of most departments’ planning and training on structural firefighting. Handling these incidents is our bread and butter. This confidence and familiarity, though, can lead to tragic failure if deviations from the usual pattern of these incidents go unrecognized and unaddressed.
    • The point with sharing this unusual account is certainly not to suggest that we should fight fires without SCBA, PPE, and help, but to illustrate that the “typical” room-and-contents fire provides a sufficiently forgiving environment that, even when using only the most basic measures, we are almost always successful (the fire goes out, and no one gets hurt). Such experience can be a dangerous seductress. We are lulled into complacency with repeated success until we meet an unexpected change in conditions.
    • In a potentially deadly contradiction, the very teams that are most adept at handling these types of fires are also the most at risk for disaster when significant obstacles are encountered. Although the rapid deployment of an interior hose line is the key to controlling an incipient or compartmented fire, the presence of unseen barriers to this approach can leave firefighters deep inside a building before realizing that their advance is blocked, exposing them to additional hazards. These obstacles can include a fire that has become vent-limited, with combustible gases spreading throughout the building, ready to ignite above, and around, entering crews; delays in gaining access, allowing increased fire growth; difficulty locating the seat of the fire, with the apparent location actually being an extension from another area, maybe even beneath the level on which personnel is operating; and weakening of weight-bearing structural members, especially in this era of lighter-weight building construction, resulting in sudden collapse. Any combination of these complications might be at work at a fire that appears, at first glance, to be “just room and contents.” And a “first glance” is often all we take before entry.
    • So, how do we maintain our proven ability to control the usual situation while also increasing our odds of surviving the occasional complication? The same way we always have: by ensuring that appropriate safeguards and redundancy are "engineered" into our tactics. Fortunately, our procedures usually require only an upgrade, not an overhaul. That is, most of us need merely to build on our already honed skills, rather than having to replace or change methods significantly. The course covers standard operating procedures, rules, or just good habits that ensure minimum PPE, staffing, and hose line sizes for these fire incidents.
    Course objectives
    • The aim of this course is to provide the most comprehensive and current techniques so as to effectively fight a fire. Training complies with the NFPA standards worldwide recognized. Theoretical and practical classes involve trainees in an effective way to prevent, recognize and extinguish different types of fires that may occur within Oil and Gas Industry.
    Specific objectives
    • Provide a clear understanding of duties.
    • The ability of the attendee to identify hazards & perform remedy action.
    • Identify & skillfully operate fire protection equipment.
    • Capable to competently respond to mitigate & control emergency cases.
    • Proper use & handling of PPE.
    • Conduct atmospheric gas testing and appropriately don the SCBA
    • Conduct practical and technical firefighting advanced techniques covering different oil & gas scenarios such as a wellhead, production facilities, and crude oil tank fires.
    For the Commercial Side:
    In addition to the Instructor Fee for 10 days at NEXT contract rates, there is 1 Day Practical for Fire Fighting,  as per NExT Contract:
    • Practical day cost is 200USD/person attending includes the following:
    • Certificate for the practical part, light meal, and coffee breaks.
    • Payment to be in advance.
    • It's mandatory for the delegate to bring the PCR test on course day.
    The practical day including the following that is already revised with the instructor Saad Lotfy:

      • Self Rescue Techniques
      • Correct identification of Fire.
      • Correct identification of Fire Extinguishers
      • Using of different Fire Extinguishers types.
      • Fire Triangle
      • Smoke hood use
      • CPR
      • Raising the Alarm
      • Breathing Apparatus use (Demonstrate) - (SCBA)

    Day 1

    • Pretest
    • Introduction
    • Overview about Oil & Gas hazardous working environment  
    •  Introduction
    • How the fire created in oil and gas facilities
    • The classes of fire, there are six classes of fire: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, ‘Electrical’, and Class F.
    o   Class A fires – combustible materials: caused by flammable solids, such as wood, paper, and fabric
    o   Class B fires – flammable liquids: such as petrol, turpentine, or paint
    o   Class C fires – flammable gases: like hydrogen, butane or methane
    o   Class D fires – combustible metals: chemicals such as magnesium, aluminum or potassium
    o   Electrical fires – electrical equipment: once the electrical item is removed, the fire changes class
    o   Class F fires – cooking oils: typically, a chip-pan fire
    • Workshop
    • Workplace hazards – Different types of fire
    •  Illustrative Videos
    • Types of fires - Basics
    • Quiz and Workshop
    • Workplace right fire extinguisher  
    • Case Study:
    • Oil production facilities firefighting case
    • Piper Alpha case
    • Day (1) recap
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    Day 2

    • Day (1) – Questionnaire  
    • Oil & Gas fire hazardous identification
    • Characteristics of hydrocarbons fires
    • Fires of Reservoirs exploration facilities and Oil tanks including
    • Carryover and over-pressurized, burning liquids, and explosion Incidents    
    • Types of the Flammable Liquids
    • Gas release & Fire Detection Systems and early warning:
    • Heat detectors position and sensing mechanism
    • Smoke detectors position and sensing mechanism
    • Photocells fire detection position and sensing mechanism
    • IR fire detectors position and sensing mechanism
    • Workshop
    • Exploration facilities hazardous identification
    • Understanding Fire philosophy & Nature 
    • Illustrative Video:
    • Drilling rig fire incident – Azerbaijan platform fire incident case study
    • Day (2) Recap
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    Day 3

    • Day (2) – Questionnaires
    • Procedures and Devices for Advanced Crude Tanks Firefighting
    • The safe distance for the Firefighters or equipment and the burning tanks or even flammable liquids
    • Cooling methods used in fire control for the burning tanks
      • Tank Farm Challenges
      • Tanks Operations Policy 
      • Communicating HSE Policy
    • Quiz and Workshop
      • Crude Tanks Operational & Oil movement hazardous identification
      • Illustration Videos
    • EXXON Valdes Refinery Fire Incident
    • Scenario – What was going wrong
    • Learned Lessons
    • Participants Suggestions  
    • Case Study: Petro-Chemicals fire type selection & controlling Measures – Amuy refinery, Venezuela fire and explosion case
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    Day 4

    • Day (3) – Questionnaires
    • During Fire Incident Required Actions
    • Crude oil storage tanks fire consequences & development
    • Hydrocarbons tanks explosion controlling measures and devices
    • Minimizing hydrocarbons tanks fire and explosion negative impact
    • Equipment used to extinguish oil tank fires.
    • Fusible loops
    • Foam System
    • Tank Breathing
    • Fired tank content transferring
    • Identifying on-site hazardous materials
    • Quiz and Workshop
    • Tanks Farm Fire case study: Safety Problems /Troubleshooting
    • Tanks firefighting and Contingency Plan  
    • Emergency Team Responsibilities
    • Training
    • Roles
    • Responsibilities
    • Illustrative Video
    • Tank farm fire mechanism and development scenario
    • Workshop
    • Refinery final products firefighting scenarios
    • TEXACO, USA refinery fire case study
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    Day 5

    • Day (4) – Questionnaires
    • Early warning systems:
    • Tank Level; H, HH, SD
    • Tank Pressure; H, HH, SD
    • Tank Temperature; H, Critical, SD
    Crisis management and evacuation in case of emergency:
    • Crisis Management Structure
    • Emergency Teams Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities
    • Emergency reaction different scenarios
    • Emergency Tools and equipment
    • PPE and firefighting clothing
    • Emergency Calling Scheme
    • Local Authorities involvement
    • Crisis Management Troubleshooting 
    Firefighting oil wells:
    • Christmas tree fires
    • Well Test fires
    • Adjustment pits fir
    • Detections systems
    • Gas release case and controlling measures   
    • Well Heads fire control facilities; on/offshore
    • Required percussions
    • Video:
    • Gulf of Mexico Rig (MAKONDO) Incident
    • Workshop
    • Different scenarios of facilities firefighting Equipment & ERT response  
    • Group discussion & Post-test

    Day 6

    • Practical Day
    • The combustion process.
    • Fire classification
    • Fire behavior.
    • Raising the alarm.
    • Choosing the correct extinguisher & pre-use checks
    • Use of portable firefighting equipment.
    • Self-rescue techniques.

    Day 7

    • Reviewing Day (6) Practical Session Elements
    • Fire Extinguishers, fusible loops, , hose real, Foam Systems
    • Fire expansion behavior in the following cases:
    • Confined Spaces and congested areas
    • Loss of control cases
    • Oil Processes Facilities
    • Headers & Manifolds
    • Shipping pumps
    • Control Rooms
    • Materials stores & open yard fires 
    • Case Study: Process Facilities fire and its learned lessons
    • Illustrative video Naphtha tanks fire incident Learned Lessons
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    Day 8

    • Reviewing Day (7) Subjects
    • Spherical gas tank design and fire suppression system.
    • Light hydrocarbons fire characteristics & controlling facilities
    • Fractionation tower fire control facilities.
    • Pressurized vessels & pipelines  
    • Gas pipeline
    • Liquid hydrocarbons pipelines
    • Mixed fluid fire  
    • Elevated facilities fire
    • Multiple and complex facilities
    • Rescue procedures
    • Case Study: Spherical tank Fire Fighting and its learned lessons
    • Illustrative video Texas Refinery fire disaster   
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    • Day 9
    • Reviewing Day (8)
    • Fire Fighting Equipment and PPE:
    • Firefighting full suit; materials and function
    • Firefighters safety shoes, gloves, hats, goggles & underwear
    • Firefighting/emergency manual & power tools
    • Radio and communication devices
    • Drip Torch, Knives & Rite in Rain
    • Fire Shelters
    • Fire Extinguishers
    • Wildland Hand tools & Deforestation tools
    • Structure hand tools
    • Weather Instruments
    • Compasses
    • Fuel cans/vehicles Tools
    • Accessories / Replacements Parts
    • Fire trailers; components and applications
    • Fire trucks: components and applications
    • Case Study: Azerbaijan oil platform fire disaster and its learned lessons
    • Illustrative video: Azerbaijan oil platform fire disaster Learned Lessons
    • Group discussion & Quiz

    Day 10

    • Course Recap, Conclusion & Learned Lessons
    • illustrating crisis management team:
    • Structure, Tools, Equipment, PPE
    • Different scenarios
    • Fire incident formalities
    • Evacuation drill Scenario
    • Medevac drill Scenario
    • Course recap & conclusion
    • Group discussion & Post Test
    • Closing the session

    • Experience HSE Specialists, Production, Petroleum and Chemical Engineers & Chemists, supervisors, in oil & gas plants,
    • Anyone involved in health and safety management
    • Health and safety managers and advisers
    • Fire department staff
    • Pretest
    • Overview about Oil & Gas hazardous working environment  
    • How the fire created in oil and gas facilities
    • The classes of fire, there are six classes of fire: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, ‘Electrical’, and Class
    • Workplace hazards – Different types of fire
    • Illustrative Videos
    • Types of fires - Basics
    • Workplace right fire extinguisher
    • Case Study:
    • Oil production facilities firefighting case
    • Piper Alpha case
    • Oil & Gas fire hazardous identification
    • Characteristics of hydrocarbons fires
    • Fires of Reservoirs exploration facilities and Oil tanks including
    • Carryover and over-pressurized, burning liquids, and explosion Incidents
    • Gas release & Fire Detection Systems and early warning:
    • Heat detectors position and sensing mechanism
    • Smoke detectors position and sensing mechanism
    • Photocells fire detection position and sensing mechanism
    • IR fire detectors position and sensing mechanism
    • Workshop
    • Exploration facilities hazardous identification
    • Understanding Fire philosophy & Nature
    • Illustrative Video:
    • Drilling rig fire incident – Azerbaijan platform fire incident case study
    • Procedures and Devices for Advanced Crude Tanks Firefighting
    • The safe distance for the Firefighters or equipment and the burning tanks or even flammable liquids
    • Cooling methods used in fire control for the burning tanks
    • Tank Farm Challenges
    • Tanks Operations Policy 
    • Communicating HSE Policy
    • Crude Tanks Operational & Oil movement hazardous identification
    • Illustration Videos
    • EXXON Valdes Refinery Fire Incident
    • Crude oil storage tanks fire consequences & development
    • Hydrocarbons tanks explosion controlling measures and devices
    • Minimizing hydrocarbons tanks fire and explosion negative impact
    • Equipment used to extinguish oil tank fires.
    • Fusible loops
    • Foam System
    • Tank Breathing
    • Fired tank content transferring
    • Identifying on-site hazardous materials
    • Tanks Farm Fire case study: Safety Problems /Troubleshooting
    • Tanks firefighting and Contingency Plan
    • Emergency Team Responsibilities
    • Training
    • Roles
    • Responsibilities
    • Tank farm fire mechanism and development scenario
    • Workshop
    • Refinery final products firefighting scenarios
    • TEXACO, USA refinery fire case study
    • Early warning systems:
    • Tank Level; H, HH, SD
    • Tank Pressure; H, HH, SD
    • Tank Temperature; H, Critical, SD
    • Crisis management and evacuation in case of emergency:
    • Crisis Management Structure
    • Emergency Teams Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities
    • Emergency reaction different scenarios
    • Emergency Tools and equipment
    • PPE and firefighting clothing
    • Emergency Calling Scheme
    • Local Authorities involvement
    • Crisis Management Troubleshooting
    • Firefighting oil wells:
    • Christmas tree fires
    • Well Test fires
    • Adjustment pits fire
    • Detections systems
    • Gas release case and controlling measures
    • Well Heads fire control facilities; on/offshore
    • Required percussions
    • Gulf of Mexico Rig (MAKONDO) Incident
    • Workshop
    • Different scenarios of facilities firefighting Equipment & ERT response
    • Group discussion & Post-test
    • Practical Day
    • The combustion process.
    • Fire classification
    • Fire behavior.
    • Raising the alarm.
    • Choosing the correct extinguisher & pre-use checks
    • Use of portable firefighting equipment.
    • Self-rescue techniques.
    • Fire Extinguishers, fusible loops, hose real, Foam Systems
    • Fire expansion behavior in the following cases:
    • Confined Spaces and congested areas
    • Loss of control cases
    • Oil Processes Facilities
    • Headers & Manifolds
    • Shipping pumps
    • Control Rooms
    • Materials stores & open yard fires
    • Case Study: Process Facilities fire and its learned lessons
    • Illustrative video Naphtha tanks fire incident Learned Lessons
    • Spherical gas tank design and fire suppression system.
    • Light hydrocarbons fire characteristics & controlling facilities
    • Fractionation tower fire control facilities.
    • Pressurized vessels & pipelines
    • Gas pipeline
    • Liquid hydrocarbons pipelines
    • Mixed fluid fire  
    • Elevated facilities fire
    • Multiple and complex facilities
    • Rescue procedures
    • Case Study: Spherical tank Fire Fighting and its learned lessons
    • Fire Fighting Equipment and PPE:
    • Firefighting full suit; materials and function
    • Firefighters safety shoes, gloves, hats, goggles & underwear
    • Firefighting/emergency manual & power tools
    • Radio and communication devices
    • Drip Torch, Knives & Rite in Rain
    • Fire Shelters
    • Fire Extinguishers
    • Wildland Hand tools & Deforestation tools
    • Structure hand tools
    • Weather Instruments
    • Compasses
    • Fuel cans/vehicles Tools
    • Accessories / Replacements Parts
    • Fire trailers; components and applications
    • Fire trucks: components and applications
    • Case Study: 
    • Azerbaijan oil platform fire disaster and its learned lessons
    • Structure, Tools, Equipment, PPE
    • Different scenarios
    • Fire incident formalities
    • Evacuation drill Scenario
    • Medevac drill Scenario
    • Course recap & conclusion
    • Group discussion & Post Test
    • losing the session

    Firefighting Level 1

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