  • Class and Course

    Confined Space (Train The Trainer)

    Course Objective

    • Confined Spaces are high-risk areas. Therefore, trainees must understand how to not only work in these conditions, but how to also rescue personnel in the confined space safely without risk to workers and other personnel.
    • This course helps to assess the importance of identifying different types of confined spaces, based on the permit-to-work system.
    • The roles and responsibilities of all personnel in the confined space are defined. Risks and hazards with confined space systems are also assessed, based on the type of confined space and the nature of the work being done, shall also be assessed.
    • The trainee should also understand how to follow the workplace procedures in the confined space, be able to identify any hazards from the confined space based on those procedures, and based on that how to evacuate safely if something goes wrong. 
    • Trainees shall also be assessed on the training process throughout the implementation of Train The Trainer modules which correlate with the training criteria.
    • To become an effective trainer, there are a variety of important prospects that are essential to make sure that they can relay information to their trainees in an effective and creative manner.
    • It is important that trainers are taught and can demonstrate presentation and communication skills to be able to effectively relay any type of information they wish to their trainees. Therefore, this course is designed to benefit and help participants to develop, organize, and deliver effective training and to know how to assess the success of the training. Participants learn how to apply different training methods for engaging participants, how to provide training materials in a structured, clearly written manner, how to deliver an interactive presentation, and how to apply the knowledge based on educational research to achieve prescribed training goals.
    The following points shall be discussed in the course:
    • Identify the characteristics of confined spaces 
    • Identify the characteristics of permit-required confined spaces (PRCS) 
    • Discuss definitions relating to confined spaces 
    • Identify the differences between General Industry and Construction confined space 
    • Look at expected injury reduction associated with confined space in the construction rule 
    • Identify the key components of a confined space plan 
    • Identify the duties of the entrant, attendant, and supervisor 
    • Identify the hazards in a confined space 
    • Understand eliminating hazards using Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) 
    • Understand ventilation practices 
    • Understand rescue preparation 
    • Understand employee rights
    • There will be an additional cost for accredited international Certification per participant per course.

    Day 1 
    Session 1 - Course Introduction  
    Session 2 – What is Confined Space?

    • Definition of Confined Space
    • Examples of Confined Spaces in the workplace
    Session 3 – Characteristics of Confined Space
    • Limited means of entry/exit, 
    • Is large enough for a worker to enter it, and 
    • Is not intended for regular/continuous occupancy.
    Session 4 – Characteristics of Permit-Required Confined Spaces 
    • Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; 
    • Contains a material with the potential to engulf someone who enters the space; 
    • Has an internal configuration that might cause an entrant to be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section; or
    • Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazards.
    Session 5 – Differences between General Industry and Construction Confined Spaces
    • More detailed provisions requiring coordinated activities when there are multiple employers at the worksite. 
    • Requiring a competent person to evaluate the worksite and identify confined spaces, including permit spaces. 
    • Requiring continuous atmospheric monitoring whenever possible. 
    • Requiring continuous monitoring of engulfment hazards. For example, when workers are performing work in a storm sewer, a storm upstream from the workers could cause flash flooding. 
    • Allowing for the suspension of a permit, instead of cancellation, in the event of changes from the entry conditions list on the permit or an unexpected event requiring evacuation of the space. The space must be returned to the entry conditions listed on the permit before re-entry
    Session 5– Permit to Work System
    • Definition of a Permit to Work 
    • The importance of inspecting a confined space before issuing the permit.
    • Issuing the permit 
    • Receipt the Permit
    • What the organization needs to assess before starting the work 
    • Clearance/Return to Service and the differences between them 
    • Extension and when it is necessary
    • Provide different examples of Permit to Work Systems that may be required with a confined space permit 
    • Session 6 – Group Discussion of providing the students with a previous and various permit to work documents to understand the procedure. 
    • Module 7 – Principles of Learning 
    • Introduction
    • Indication of the key principles of learning and the importance of creating a tangible lesson plan to increase the efficiency of delivery to the session and facilitating learning. 
    • Module Objectives 
    • Key Components of Effective Learning 
    • Factors that promote and inhibit effective learning
    • Evaluate the impact of principles of learning for practical teaching
    • What is learning and how do we learn?
    • Discuss with trainees the different learning methods they have experienced over their practical life and academic life.
    • Acquiring relevant knowledge (Learning Method) 
    • Thinking for understanding (Learning Method)
    • Doing (Learning Method)
    • Factors affecting learners and the learning process
    • Discuss with trainees different scenarios in their academic and/or practical life in which they have felt that they were able and unable to retain knowledge. 
    • Discuss the following points: 
    • Motivation
    • The relationships you have had with teachers and peers 
    • Access to resources and time constraints
    • Mood and situational factors 
    • Prior learning in a given area  
    • How you were taught how relevant you perceive the learning to be.
    • Principle 1: Utilize and stimulate the senses
    • Discuss with trainees what grabs their attention more in learning 
    • Discuss how the combination of the five senses is effective 
    • Principle 2: Recognize the learning curve
    • Discuss the learning plateau 
    • Principle 3: Don’t abuse the attention span 
    • Principle 4: Encourage the effective use of memory 
    • Understand how memory works 
    • Understand how forgetting works 
    • Implications for teaching and learning 
    • Principle 5: Try to motivate students in their learning
    • Principle 6: Accommodate different learning styles 
    • Discuss with the trainees the importance of differentiating between visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. 
    • Discuss how trainers can combine different learning methods to increase learner’s retention of knowledge 
    • Principle 7: Ensure effective feedback in the learning process
    • Priority in giving feedback sooner, rather than later
    • Incorporate the positive 
    • Use feedback as a two-way process 
    • Module 8 – Lesson Planning and Preparation 
    • Indicate the importance of planning your session to increase confidence in executing the training.
    • Module Objectives
    • Produce a structured lesson plan for course criteria 
    • Prepare classroom arrangements and teaching facilities
    • Producing a structured lesson plan
    • Learning Objectives 
    • Lesson Content 
    • Instructional Methods 
    • Teaching and Learning Resources 
    • Assessment of Learning 
    • Discuss with and show learners a sample of a learning template 
    • Discuss how detailed the plan should be 
    •  Learning objectives
    • Performance Objectives and their effect on behavior, the condition of the learning content, the standard, and/or the efficiency of the learning criteria.
    • Structuring of objectives with examples
    • Skills development 
    • Learning sequence 
    • Influencing attitude 
    • Lesson content
    • Discuss with trainees the importance of tangible and comprehensive training content based on the subject manner. 
    • Instructional methods
    • Discuss and indicate the differences between theoretical and practical instruction methods. 
    • What teaching and learning resources will you need?
    • Training area and resource availability
    • Learning group
    • Assessment Train the Trainer Training Fundamentals Contents 
    • Evaluation of the lesson

    Day 2
    Session 9 – Roles and Responsibilities of Confined Space Personnel

    • Attendant
    • Remain outside the permit space during entry operations unless relieved by another authorized attendant;
    • Perform non-entry rescues when specified by the employer's rescue procedure;
    • iKnow existing and potential hazards, including information on the mode of exposure, signs or symptoms, consequences and physiological effects;
    • Maintain communication with and keep an accurate account of those workers entering the permit space;
    • Order evacuation of the permit space when a prohibited condition exists vi. Summon rescue and other services during an emergency;
    • Ensure that unauthorized people stay away from permitting spaces or exit immediately if they have entered the permit space;
    • Inform authorized entrants and the entry supervisor if any unauthorized person enters the permit space;
    • Perform no other duties that interfere with the attendant's primary duties.
    • Entrant
    • Know space hazards, including information on the means of exposure such as inhalation or dermal absorption, signs of symptoms and consequences of the exposure;
    • Use appropriate personal protective equipment properly;
    • Maintain communication with attendants as necessary to enable them to monitor the entrant's status and alert the entrant to evacuate when necessary
    • Exit from the permit space as soon as possible when:
    • Ordered by the authorized person;
    • He or she recognizes the warning signs or symptoms of exposure;
    • A prohibited condition exists; or
    • An automatic alarm is activated.
    • Alert the attendant when a prohibited condition exists or when warning signs or symptoms of exposure exist.
    • Entry Supervisor
    • Know space hazards including information on the mode of exposure, signs or symptoms and consequences;
    • Verify emergency plans and specified entry conditions such as permits, tests, procedures and equipment before allowing entry;
    • Terminate entry and cancel permits when entry operations are completed or if a new condition exists;
    • Verify that rescue services are available and that the means for summoning them are operable, and that employer will be notified as soon as services become unavailable; v.
    • Take appropriate measures to remove unauthorized entrants; and vi.
    • Ensure that entry operations remain consistent with the entry permit and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained
    Session 10 – Confined Space Hazards
    • Atmospheric
    • Oxygen Deficient/enriched
    • Flammable Atmosphere
    • Toxic Atmosphere
    • Chemical
    • Inerting Operations – Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen
    • Chemical Reactions
    • Manufacturing
    • Cleaning
    • Curing
    • Stored products
    • Engulfment
    • Trapped by a liquid or finely divided solid 
    • Moving Equipment
    • Entrapment in the equipment
    • Electrocution
    • Create engulfment hazard
    • Other Hazards i. Falls ii. Poor Lighting iii. Noise iv. Electrical v. Thermal
    • Session 11 – Eliminating Hazards Using LOTO
    • Explain the Lock/Out Tag/Out Procedure
    • Describe the scenarios in the confined space in which Lock/Out Tag/Out would be required
    • Distinguish the difference between authorized employees and affected employees
    • Isolate all types of energy within the confined space such as:
    • Electrical
    • Gravitational
    • Water
    • Gas
    • Steam
    • Pneumatic
    • Thermal viii
    • Chemical
    • A combination of multiple energy sources
    Session 12 – Group Discussion: Allow workers to share their experiences with confined space hazards and discuss what was done to decrease them.
    Module 13: Instructional Methods
    • Introduction
    • Trainees will understand the importance of executing the training content in effective and comprehensive ways for all learners.
    • Module Objectives
    • Range of instructional methods
    • Instructional methods for the content which shall be taught
    • Instructional methods in the trainees’ teaching role.
    • Core instructional methods
    • Lecturing and explaining
    • Attributes of good explanation
    • Demonstration
    • Pre-demonstration planning
    • Carrying out the demonstration
    • Learner practice and supervision
    • Supporting instructional methods
    • Group Work (Cooperative Learning)
    • Questioning
    • Discussion
    • Case Studies
    • Role-Play
    • Group work (cooperative learning)
    • How to conduct group exercises
    • Plan out exercises
    • Questioning
    • Tactics in using questions
    • Responding to student answers
    • Discussion
    • Rounds
    • Buzz groups, pairs, and triads
    • Brainstorming
    • Case-studies
    • Roleplay
    •  Deciding on methods
    • Will the method achieve the identified outcomes?
    • Will the method effectively facilitate the content you want and the types of learning required?
    • Will the method suit the nature of the learning group and the individuals who comprise it?
    • Will the method utilize the resources?
    • Will the method fit into the style or range of teaching skills?
    • Are you comfortable and competent enough in using the method?
    •  The use of activities or learning tasks in promoting learning
    • Discuss different scenarios where trainees have seen innovative training methods
    • Designing and using learning tasks
    • The task is clearly focused on identified learning objectives.
    • Success in the task meets or builds learning towards identified objectives.
    • The task is as authentic as possible and realistic for the learning group.
    • The task is clearly achievable in the time allocated.
    • Clear and sufficient guidance on the task is provided to learners.
    •  Individualized instruction
    •  Knowing the subject well
    • Discuss how to refresh your knowledge towards the subject manner and how to answer questions effectively.
    • Playing the role of tutor
    • Suggestions for administering individualized instruction
    • Practical Session: The Trainees shall be asked to produce a structured lesson plan for a class they intend to teach in the future. The duration of the session must be at least one hour.
    • The lesson plan should clearly show:
    • The learning outcomes/lesson objectives
    • Organization and development of content
    • Instructional methods to be used
    • Use of teaching/learning aids and activities
    • How learning is assessed
    Module 13: Teaching and Learning Resources (TLR)
    • Module Objectives
    • Compare and contrast the range of teaching and learning resources
    • The appropriate TLRs specific to the content and venue
    • Use a range of TLRs to enhance your training and to facilitate your trainees’ understanding
    • How do TLRs contribute to learning?
    • Discuss different TLRs which help to keep the session engaging and discuss how TLRs can be a focal point for learner response
    • General points of consideration in using teaching and learning resources
    • Identify what you want to achieve from the TLR (e.g. emphasis, generate questions, show a process, key point summary, etc).
    • Do not overuse TLRs. Overuse will confuse rather than promote learning. Also, too much of one type will soon lose its ability to gain attention.
    • Check that they work in advance. This refers to TLRs that involve the use of technology, such as overhead projectors, slides, computer, multi-media, etc.
    • Be conscious of your own positioning and body movement when teaching and training.
    • Videos
    • Discuss with trainees the purpose of videos in presentations
    • Preparation of facilities and training aids
    • Classroom/study area arrangements
    • Audio-visual equipment in the classroom
    • Practical Scenario: Students shall discuss and emulate a classroom setting that shall be friendly towards trainees.
    • Discuss Group Study Layouts
    • Individualized Instruction Layout
    • Laboratory/Simulation Layout
    • Students shall discuss how sometimes TLRs can be distractions and decrease the focus of learners and learn to use them effectively.

    Day 3

    Session 14 – General Controls of a Confined Space

    • Using a safety harness and a tripod sequence system to ascend and descend from a confined space system.
    • Using different communication devices to relay information in a confined space.
    • The usage of ladders, ropes, and other lifting devices to assisting in ascending and descending a confined space.
    • Discussing different types of gas detectors that are used by workers and are located on-site.
    • Discussing different types of operations which can lead to fires and/or explosions and how they can be safely controlled.
    • The roles and responsibilities of all personnel in a confined space system in maintaining its controls.
    Session 15 – Practical Session: Allow workers to equip all forms of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that are required of them during confined space entry and assess the following:
    • Equip a safety harness
    • Using a tripod sequence system
    • Using Communication Devices to be able to speak with attendants and supervisors
    • Using Gas Detectors and how to calibrate them before usage
    • Usage of lifting devices such as ladders and ropes to ascend and descend from the confined space.
    Session 16 – Ventilation
    • Must be aware of hazards you are trying to correct in the confined space.
    • The air intake in a safe location to draw fresh air only.
    • Continuous ventilation whenever possible.
    • Retest the confined space before entry.
    • Continuous testing of the air during entry. 
    • Identify types of ventilation such as:
    • Natural: Natural forces pull out the atmosphere and replace it (slow process)
    • Mechanical: Use of fans and blowers, can be used to push new air in or pull out the existing atmosphere (only limited by the size of equipment)
    Session 17 – Practical Session: Show trainees the differences between Natural Ventilation and Mechanical Ventilation by using a blower and showing the flow of air in comparison to natural ventilation.
    Module 18: Assessing Learner Performance
    • Module Objectives
    • Identify the criteria for good assessment
    • Plan a scheme of assessment
    • Identify appropriate assessment methods for specific learning outcomes
    • Design a range of assessment items
    • Produce a marking scheme for open-response items
    • Identify common pitfalls in conducting assessment.
    • The criteria for good assessment
    • Validity
    • Reliability
    • Key terms used in the language of assessment
    • Summative assessment
    • Formative assessment
    • Assessment scheme
    • Assessment evidence
    • Assessment methods
    • Assessment items
    • Planning a scheme of assessment
    • Why assess?
    • What to assess?
    • How to assess?
    • How to interpret the products of assessment?
    • How to communicate assessment decisions to learners?
    • General principles in test construction
    • Types of assessment items
    • Alternate response or true-false items
    • Multiple-choice items (MCQs)
    • Matching items
    • Completion type items
    • Essay type items
    • Performance tests
    • Preparing a marking scheme for assessments 
    • Pitfalls in assessment
    • The halo effect
    • Contrast effect
    • Assessing progress and effort rather than achievement
    • Lack of clarity with the marking scheme and the standard required
    • Discriminatory practices
    Module 19:  Evaluating Teaching and Learning
    • Module Objectives
    • Identify different types of evaluation and evaluation data
    • Conduct an evaluation of a module
    • Prepare an end of course report
    • Identify and plan self-development needs as an instructor.
    • What is evaluation?
    • Identify and illuminate what is actually occurring in the area or activity that is the subject of evaluation, and
    • Produce sufficient information to enable the evaluator, using agreed criteria, to make valid and useful judgments about what is being evaluated.
    • What aspects of the course are to be evaluated?
    • Appropriateness of objectives for the learning group
    • Organization and sequencing of content
    • Effectiveness of the instructional methods
    • Quality of teaching and learning aids used
    • Validity of assessment methods used
    • The performance of students on the course.
    • Types of evaluation
    • Collecting evaluation data
    • Sources of evaluation data
    • Questionnaires
    • Interviews
    • Dialogue with trainees in the session
    • Responding to significant feedback from evaluation
    • Typical concerns or problems that emerge from course evaluations
    • Preparing end of course report
    • Content of report
    • Format of report
    • Identifying and planning instructor’s own development
    • Reflecting on this module

    Day 4
    Session 20 – Emergency Response

    • Assessing confined space access and egress during an evacuation.
    • Assessing adequate behaviors during confined space emergencies.
    • How to safely assist entrants in leaving the confined space.
    • How to coordinate with the attendant and supervisor in confined space rescue.
    • Prompt behavior and response before and after a confined space rescue.
    • How to evacuate safely from the area after leaving the confined space.
    Session 21 – Confined Space Rescue
    • Identify types of rescue:
    • Non-Entry Rescue
    • Rescue is performed outside the space
    • Prior to entry, a retrieval system and a body harness should be in place 
    • Self Rescue
    • Entrant is capable to recognize a hazard is present and is able to exit from the space
    • Entry Rescue
    • Entry rescue is clearly the form of rescue that presents the greatest risk
    • Entry rescues should be avoided whenever possible 
    • Entry rescue requires a considerable amount of equipment and trained individuals
    Session 22 – First Aid Response
    • Assess the history, symptoms, and signs of an accident
    • How to stay calm during an accident
    • How to promptly move the worker away from the emergency site
    • How to check for signs of life in an injured worker
    • The steps to CPR by using C-A-B (Circulation, Compression, Airway, and Rescue Breaths)
    • How to correctly perform chest compressions
    • How to correctly open the airway
    • How to correctly perform rescue breath.
    • The importance of repeating the CPR Process in saving a person’s life.
    • Understanding the functions of the AED.
    • Precautions before using the AED.
    • How to correctly place the AED pads.
    • How to use it alongside CPR to save the person’s life
    • Session 16 – Practical Session
    • Workers shall be assessed by a practical scenario in confined space entry and work as entrants while the attendants and supervisors shall also be chosen by the instructor. The instructor shall coordinate with the trainees to effectively execute the scenario.
    Session 23 – Practical Session
    • Workers shall be assessed by a practical scenario in which they will attempt a confined space rescue and response accordingly by using a dummy to preform CPR and use the AED.
    Module 24: Course Development
    • Identify the processes involved in the development of a course
    • Enumerate the different phases involved in the course development process
    • What do we mean by a course?
    • Who is the course for?
    • What are the aims and objectives?
    • What will be the content and structure of the course?
    • How will the course be delivered and managed?
    • What resources are needed to support the course?
    • How will learning be assessed?
    • How will the course be evaluated to gauge its effectiveness?
    • Developing a course
    • Phase 1: Preliminary study
    • Phase 2: Job analysis
    • Phase 3: Population analysis
    • Phase 4: Design of curriculum
    • Phase 5: Design of modules
    • Phase 6: Production and development testing
    • Phase 7: Validation and revision
    • Phase 8: Implementation
    • Phase 9: Evaluation
    • Assignment: Trainees will be asked to prepare a presentation for confined space safety to present it on the last day for evaluation.

    • Supervisors and Team Leaders.
    • Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors who shall instruct and teach employees.
    • Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors that have previously taken Train The Trainer.
    • Training Department Employees.

    • The characteristics of the Confined Space
    • Hazards associated with Confined Space
    • The importance of using the Lock Out Tag Out System to assist in confined space safety when needed
    • Permit to Work System
    • Roles and Responsibilities associated with Confined Space work
    • Controls associated with the Confined Space System
    • Emergency evacuation and adequate response for each scenario.
    • Apply adult learning theories
    • Prepare an effective and clear course structure
    • Prepare participant-centered learning material and activities
    • Deliver the training by using training activities for different learning needs
    • Engage with different types of learners
    • Present material in a clear and engaging manner
    • Developing specific and appropriate on-the-job and off-the-job training
    • Create clearly written instructions and assessment criteria to assess the learning
    • Address challenging participants, questions, and behavior
    • Receive and provide effective feedback
    • Create evaluation forms and develop techniques to ensure application after the course completion

    • Basic knowledge regarding Confined Spaces and Permit To Work Areas.

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