  • Class and Course

    Emergency Response & Crisis Management in the Oil & Gas Industry

    Course Objective

    Effective crisis management is crucial in the O&G sector, where the consequences of emergencies can be severe and widely publicized.

    ·         This course focuses on emergency response and crisis management within the oil and gas industry.

    ·         It aims to reduce, control, or mitigate the effects of emergencies such as natural disasters, hazardous material spills, fires, explosions, and security threats.

    ·         The course emphasizes both pre-planned emergency response and creative crisis management aligned with organizational values.

    ·         Participants compare their systems and documents to benchmarks and run scenarios based on their insights.

    ·         The course addresses the role of communication teams and media in crises.

    ·         Participants learn about the influence of the human element in emergencies and crises.


    ·         Presentations, reading material, and videos.

    ·         Tests to assess learning gain and fill up gaps.

    ·         Scenarios customized to the region's oil & gas industry.

    ·         Role plays and feedback exercises.

    ·         In-class discussion sessions and teamwork.

    ·         Personal work plans elaborated by the attendees.



    ·         Classroom with seats and tables in a U-shape layout, with room for practical exercises where the participants can work standing with flipcharts, do physical exercises, and walk around the U-shape. This is a mandatory requirement. Equipment: Projector and speakers.

    ·         Middle and Executive Management, and Staff from Operations and Administration.

    ·         Fundamentals of Emergencies & Crises Management.

    ·         Fundamentals of Business Continuity Management.

    ·         Macondo/Deepwater Horizon incident: Learned Lessons from a Catastrophe.

    ·         Normalization of Deviance: A Challenge for the HSE Culture.

    ·         Quantitative & Qualitative Risk Analysis.

    ·         Low-Frequency / High Severity incidents.

    ·         The Hierarchy of Risk Control.

    ·         Emergency, Crisis, and Business Continuity: Strategies, Plans, Teams and Resources.

    ·         Audit/Assessment of the Emergency and Crisis and Business Continuity Plans.

    ·         High-Reliability Organizations, the Future of Oil & Gas HSE Management.

    ·         3-5 years of experience in the O&G industry.

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