The digital learning ecosystem An efficient management approach to capability development, delivering smarter teams, improved productivity and better business outcome for the managers.
Bridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
The digital learning ecosystem Digitally and seamlessly connecting you, the learner, with pertinent learning objects and related technologies ensuring systematic, engaging and continued learning.
Industry and client recognition
Best Outreach Program Finalist: WorldOil Awards
Overall Customer Satisfaction Score
Training provider of the year: 2013, 14 and 15
Upstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableUpstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableBridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
The digital learning ecosystem Digitally and seamlessly connecting you, the learner, with pertinent learning objects and related technologies ensuring systematic, engaging and continued learning.
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Upstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableUpstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableBridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
Develop measurable skills and capabilities
This course provide introduction to several surfaceproduction processes which include fluid characterization, fluid flow, crudeoil treatment, gas treatment and safeguarding. Several software will be used inthe exercises during the course
o Chemistryof petroleum
o Petroleumreservoir fluids
o Plusfraction concept
o Phasebehavior and envelopes
o Crudeoil properties
o Methodsdetermining the properties
o Equations
o Hydraulicanalysis
o Thermalanalysis
o Useof Pipesim
o Multiphaseflow fundamentals (flow regimes, pressure gradients, liquid holdup)
o Developmentof mechanistic models Discussion of the best models to use
o Discussionof the accuracy of the best models
o Discussionof the most difficult prediction areas
o Hydraulicanalysis
o Thermalanalysis
o Hydrate:Mechanism of formation and mitigation strategies
o Wax:Mechanism of formation and mitigation strategies
o Asphaltene:Mechanism of formation and mitigation strategies
o Useof Pipesim
o Scale: Mechanism of formation and mitigationstrategies. Use of Software to predict the scale formation
o Classificationof oil separators
o Primaryfunctions of oil separators
o Secondaryfunctions of oil and gas separators
o Separationstages
o VLEand thermodynamic principles
o Methodsused to remove gas from oil in separators
o Twophase separators (Horizontal and vertical separator)
o Threephase separators (Horizontal and vertical separator)
o Separatorinternals
o Design
o Selection
o Emulsion
- Emulsionformation
- Emulsionstability
- Emulsiondestabilizationo Dehydration’
- Dehydration processesand equipment
- Physical PlantEquipment (Basic PID Review of all included plants)
- Design andsizing calculations
- Applications
o Instrumentation(Monitoring Key Variables)
- Oil desaltingprinciples
- Equipment andtechnology
- DesaltingElectrostatic theory
- Operation and designconsiderations
- Instrumentation(Monitoring Key Variables)
o CrudeOil Stabilization and Sweetening
- Vapor pressurefundamentals
= Sour and sweetoil concepts
Safety,operation and design considerations
o Gasdehydration processes
o Gassweetening processes
o NGLextraction processes
o Crudeoil pumping system
§ Type of pumps
§ Performancecurves
§ Design andselection
o Gascompression
§ Type ofcompressor
§ Thermodynamic orCompression
§ Estimation ofthe thermodynamic properties
§ Flow diagram toprepare compression stages
o Simulationof pipelines
o Shutdownsystem
o Pressurerelieves
- General
- Depressurization
- Relief andventing
- Flaring
- Cold Flare
-Cold ventBasic knowledge of the surface production facilities
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