Day 1Pre Test
- International accounting standard (1)
- Presentation of financial statements
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Financial statements
- Purpose of financial statements
- Complete set of financial statements
- General features
- Fair presentation and compliance with IFRSs
- Going concern - Accrual basis of accounting
- Materiality and aggregation
- Offsetting
- Frequency of reporting
- Comparative information
- Consistency of presentation
- Structure and content
- Introduction
- Identification of the financial statements
- Statement of financial position
- Information to be presented in the statement of financial position
- Current/non-Current distinction
- Current assets - Current liabilities
- Information to be presented either in the statement of financial position or in the notes
- Statement of comprehensive income
- Information to be presented in the statement of comprehensive income profit or Loss for the period
- Other comprehensive income for the period
- Information to be presented in the statement of comprehensive income
- Statement of changes in equity
- Statement of cash flows
- Structure
- Disclosure of accounting policies
- Sources of estimation uncertainty
- Capital
- Other disclosures
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Day 2International Accounting Standard (2 )
- Inventories
- Introduction
- International accounting standard no (2)
- Inventories - objective - scope definitions
- Measurement of inventories
- Cost of inventories
- Costs of purchase
- Costs of conversion
- Other costs
- Cost of inventories of a service provider
- Cost of agricultural produce harvested from biological assets
- Techniques for the measurement of cost
- Cost formulas
- Net realizable value
- Recognition as an expense
- Disclosure
- Effective date
- Withdrawal of other pronouncements
- Appendix
- Amendments to other pronouncements
- Approval of IAS 2 by the board
- Basis for conclusions
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Group discussion & Quiz
Day 3International Accounting Standard ( 7 )
Statement of Cash Flows
- Objective
- Scope
- Benefits of cash flow information
- Definitions
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Presentation of a statement of cash flows operating activities
- Investing activities
- Financing activities
- Reporting cash flows from operating activities
- Reporting cash flows from investing and financing activities
- Reporting cash flows on a net basis
- Interest and dividends
- Taxes on income
- Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
- Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries and other businesses
- Non-cash transactions
- Components of cash and cash equivalents
- Other disclosures
- Effective date
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Day 4International accounting standard (8)
Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
- Objective - scope - definitions accounting policies
- Selection and application of accounting policies
- Consistency of accounting policies
- Changes in accounting policies
- Applying changes in accounting policies
- Retrospective application
- Limitations on retrospective application
- Disclosure
- Changes in accounting estimates
- Errors
- Limitations on retrospective restatement
- Disclosure of prior period errors
- Impracticability in respect of retrospective application and
- Retrospective restatement
- Effective date
- Withdrawal of other pronouncements
- Appendix
- Amendments to other pronouncements
- Approval of IAS 8 by the board
- Basis for conclusions
- Implementation guidance
Case study
Group discussion & Quiz
Day 5International accounting standard
- Events after the reporting period
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Recognition and measurement
- Adjusting events after the reporting period
- Non-adjusting events after the reporting period - Dividends
- Going concern
- Disclosure
- Date of authorisation for issue
- Updating disclosure about conditions at the end of the reporting period Non-adjusting events after the reporting period
- Effective date
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Group Discussion & Quiz
Day 6International Accounting Standard ( 16 )
Property, Plant and Equipment
- Introduction
- International accounting standard
- Property, plant and equipment
- Objective
- Scope
- Definitions
- Recognition
- Initial costs
- Subsequent costs
- Measurement at recognition
- Elements of cost
- Measurement of cost
- Measurement after recognition
- Cost model
- Revaluation model
- Depreciation
- Depreciable amount and depreciation period
- Depreciation method
- Impairment
- Compensation for impairment
- Derecognition
- Disclosure
- Transitional provisions
- Effective date
- Withdrawal of other pronouncements
Case Study
International Accounting Standard ( 18 ) Revenue
- Objective
- Scope
- Definitions
- Measurement of revenue
- Identification of the transaction
- Sale of goods
- Rendering of services
- Interest, royalties and dividends
- Disclosure
- Effective date
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Day 7International Accounting Standard ( 21 )
The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Elaboration on the definitions
- Functional currency
- Net investment in a foreign operation
- Monetary items
- Summary of the approach required by this standard
- Reporting foreign currency transactions in the functional Currency
- Initial recognition
- Reporting at the ends of subsequent reporting periods
- Recognition of exchange differences
- Change in functional currency
- Use of a presentation currency other than the functional Currency
- Translation to the presentation currency
- Translation of a foreign operation
- Disposal or partial disposal of a foreign operation
- Tax effects of all exchange differences
- Disclosure
- Effective date and transition
- Withdrawal of other pronouncements
Case study
International Accounting Standard ( 23 )
Borrowing Costs
- Core principle – scope.
- Definitions - recognition
- Borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation
- Excess of the carrying amount of the qualifying asset over recoverable mount
- Commencement of capitalisation - Suspension of capitalisation
- Cessation of capitalisation
- Disclosure
- Transitional provisions
- Effective date
Case study
International Accounting Standard ( 24 )
Related Party Disclosures
- International accounting standard
- Related party disclosures
- Objective - scope
- Purpose of related party disclosures
- Definitions
- Disclosure
- Effective date
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Day 8International Accounting Standard ( 27 )
Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
- Scope - definitions
- Presentation of consolidated financial statements
- Scope of consolidated financial statements
- Consolidation procedures
- Loss of control
- Accounting for investments in subsidiaries,
- Jointly controlled entities and associates in
- Separate financial statements
- Disclosure
- Effective date and transition
Case study
International Accounting Standard ( 31 )
Interests in Joint Ventures
- Scope - definitions
- Forms of joint venture
- Joint control
- Contractual arrangement
- Jointly controlled operations
- Jointly controlled assets
- Jointly controlled entities
- Financial statements of a venturer
- Proportionate consolidation
- Equity method
- Exceptions to proportionate consolidation and equity method
- Separate financial statements of a venturer
- Transactions between a venturer and a joint venture
- Reporting interests in joint ventures in
- The financial statements of an investor
- Operators of joint ventures
- Disclosure
- Effective date
Case study
International Accounting Standard ( 32 )
Financial Instruments: Presentation
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Presentation - liabilities and equity
- No contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset
- Settlement in the entity’s own equity instruments
- Contingent settlement provisions
- Settlement options
- Compound financial instruments
- Treasury shares
- Interest, dividends, losses and gains
- Offsetting a financial asset and a financial liability 50
- Effective date
- Withdrawal of other pronouncements
- Appendix: application guidance
- Definitions
- Financial assets and financial liabilities
- Equity instruments
- Derivative financial instruments
- Contracts to buy or sell non-financial items
- Presentation
- Liabilities and equity
- No contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset
- Settlement in the entity’s own equity instruments
- Contingent settlement provisions
- Treatment in consolidated financial statements
- Compound financial instruments
- Treasury shares
- Interest, dividends, losses and gains
- Offsetting a financial asset and a financial liability
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Group discussion & Quiz
Day 9International Accounting Standard( 34)
Interim Financial Reporting
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Content of an interim financial report
- Minimum components of an interim financial report
- Form and content of interim financial statements
- Selected explanatory notes
- Disclosure of compliance with IFRSs
- Periods for which interim financial statements are required to be presented
- Materiality
- Disclosure in annual financial statements
- Recognition and measurement
- Same accounting policies as annual
- Revenues received seasonally, cyclically, or occasionally
- Costs incurred unevenly during the financial year
- Applying the recognition and measurement principles
- Use of estimates
Case study
International Accounting Standard( 36 )
Impairment of Assets
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Identifying an asset that may be impaired
- Measuring recoverable amount
- Measuring the recoverable amount of an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life
- Fair value less costs to sell
- Value in use
- Basis for estimates of future cash flows.
- Composition of estimates of future cash flows
- Foreign currency future cash flows.
- Discount rate.
- Recognising and measuring an impairment loss
- Cash-generating units and goodwill
- Identifying the cash-generating unit to which an asset belongs
- Recoverable amount and carrying amount of a cash-generating unit
- Goodwill
- Allocating goodwill to cash-generating units
- Testing cash-generating units with goodwill for impairment Timing of impairment tests
- Corporate assets
- Impairment loss for a cash-generating unit
- Reversing an impairment loss
- Reversing an impairment loss for an individual asset
- Reversing an impairment loss for a cash-generating unit
- Reversing an impairment loss for goodwill
- Disclosure
- Estimates used to measure recoverable amounts of cash-generating units
- Containing goodwill or intangible assets with indefinite useful lives
- Transitional provisions and effective dates
Group discussion & Quiz
Day 10Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets
- Objective – scope - definitions
- Provisions and other liabilities
- Relationship between provisions and contingent liabilities
- Recognition
- Provisions
- Present obligation
- Past event
- Probable outflow of resources embodying economic benefits
- Reliable estimate of the obligation
- Contingent liabilities
- Contingent assets
- Measurement
- Best estimate
- Risks and uncertainties
- Present value - Future events
- Expected disposal of assets
- Reimbursements - changes in provisions
- Use of provisions
- Disclosure
Case Study
International Accounting Standard ( 38 )
Intangible Assets
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Intangible assets
- Identifiability
- Control
- Future economic benefits
- Recognition and measurement
- Separate acquisition
- Acquisition as part of a business combination
- Measuring the fair value of an intangible asset acquired in a business combination
- Subsequent expenditure on an acquired in-process research and development project
- Acquisition by way of a government grant
- Exchanges of assets
- Internally generated goodwill
- Internally generated intangible assets
- Research phase
- Development phase
- Cost of an internally generated intangible asset
- Recognition of an expense
- Past expenses not to be recognised as an asset
- Measurement after recognition
- Cost model
- Revaluation model
- Useful life
- Intangible assets with finite useful lives
- Amortizations period and amortization method
- Residual value
- Review of amortisation period and amortisation method
- Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives
- Review of useful life assessment
- Recoverable
- Retirements and disposals
Case Study
International Accounting Standard( 39 )
Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement
- Objective - scope - definitions
- Embedded derivatives
- Recognition and de-recognition
- Initial recognition
- De-recognition of a financial asset
- Transfers that qualify for de-recognition
- Transfers that do not qualify for de-recognition
- Continuing involvement in transferred assets
- All transfers
- Regular way purchase or sale of a financial asset
- De-recognition of a financial liability
- Measurement
- Initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
- Subsequent measurement of financial assets
- Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
- Fair value measurement considerations
- Reclassifications
- Gains and losses
- Impairment and un-collectability of financial assets
- Financial assets carried at amortised cost
- Financial assets carried at cost.
- Available-for-sale financial assets.
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