  • Class and Course

    HSE Excellence Course

    Course Objective

    • To be able to effectively implement health and safety in the workplace, it is important to understand the fundamentals of Health and Safety Management in the organization. These fundamentals help to contribute to the planning and the usage of Health and Safety Policies and Procedures in the workplace, which will in turn improve the Health and Safety Culture in the workplace and help the organization achieve its goals. This course, therefore, helps to provide fundamental topics in regards to health and safety in the workplace and how they function for workers at all levels in the organization to work in a safe and productive environment. 
    The following points shall be discussed in the course:
    • The importance of health and safety
    • Organizational Health and Safety Objectives and how to achieve them 
    • Organization Health and Safety Policy
    • Requirements to meet in the policy statement 
    • Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
    • Document Hierarchy: Policies, Standards, Guidelines, Procedures, and Resources
    • Business approach for the Organization Health and Safety Management System; Policies, Mission, Vision, Objectives, and Targets 
    • Organization Health and Safety 
    • Organization Health and Safety Objectives and planning how to achieve them
    • Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
    • Responsibility Matrix in the Organization Health and Safety Management System
    • Accountability Matrix in the Organization Health and Safety Management System
    • Leadership and Commitment 
    • Leadership, Commitment, and Accountability: Definitions, Roles, and Responsibilities in Organization Health and Safety Management System
    • Visible Behavior at each level of the organization 
    • Consultation and participation of workers 
    • An overview of what the law requires an organization to do to protect the safety and health of workers
    • Hazard Identification and assessment of risk and opportunities 
    • Reasonably foreseeable and its implementation in Hazard Identification through common, industry, and expert knowledge
    • Risk Assessment steps and process
    • Implementation of the hierarchy of controls 
    • Define Incident, accident, and near-miss
    • Active and Reactive Monitoring 
    • Reasons to investigate incidents 
    • Root Cause Analysis 
    • Considerations and data needed to investigate accidents 
    • Results from accident investigations 
    • Lesson Learned 
    • Reviewing the Health and Safety Management System and its significance in technical procedures.  

    Day 1 
    Session 1 - Course Introduction 

    • Definition of Health 
    • Definition of Safety 
    • Definition of Welfare
    • Discussion 
    Session 2 – The importance of Safety 
    • The moral reasons why we should uphold safety in our organization 
    • The legal reasons why we should uphold safety in our organization 
    • The financial reason why we should uphold safety in our organization 
    • How do these justifications reflect on the management’s perspective of implementing safety?
    • How do these justifications reflect on the employees’ perspective on implementing safety?
    Session 3 – The Law and its significance to safety 
    • Local regulations and how they affect the health and safety management system
    • International regulations and how they affect the health and safety management system
    • How different types of laws implement change in the health and safety procedure
    Session 4 – Financial Considerations  
    • What are direct costs?
    • What are indirect costs?
    • How do financial implications affect health and safety in the management system? 
    Session 5 – Roles and Responsibilities 
    • Role of Employer 
    • Role of Employees 
    • Role of Directors and senior managers
    • Demonstrating commitment to health and safety in the organization 
    • Shared premises
    • How to effectively work with a contractor 
    Session 6 – Core Implementations of the Health and Safety Management System
    • The PDCA Cycle
    • What is planning?
    • What is doing?
    • What is the check?
    • What is the act?
    • How is the PDCA Cycle implemented in the health and safety management system?
    Session 6 – Health and Safety Core Documents
    • What is the policy?
    • Why is the policy important?
    • How can we develop the safety policy to meet the needs of the organization?
    Session 7 – Parts of the policy 
    • What is the statement of intent? 
    • Why is the statement of intent important?
    • Indications of SMART goals and why there are important 
    • Demonstration of commitment and leadership towards safety by management to the safety policy 
    • The significance of the organization chart and its indication of roles and responsibilities 
    • Arrangements section of the safety policy 
    Session 8 – Importance of reviewing the safety policy
    • Discuss reasons as to why we would need to update, change, or amend the safety policy. 
    Session 9 – Health and Safety Culture
    • Definition
    • Group Exercise
    • The Correlation between Culture and Performance 
    • Indicators Used to Assess Culture  
    • Influence of Peers
    Session 10 – Improving Health and Safety Culture
    • Demonstration of management commitment 
    • The importance of leadership 
    • Behavior factors that help to indicate methods of safety culture
    • Competent Staff
    • Verbal Communication
    • Written communication
    • Graphic communication
    Session 11 – Improving Health and Safety Culture – continued
    • Consultation
    • Training

    Day 2 
    Session 12 – Human Factors Influencing Safety-Related Behavior

    • Individual, Job, and Organizational Factors 
    • Organizational Factors 
    • Job Factors 
    • Individual Factors
    Session 13 – Risk Assessment
    • Definition
    • Risk Profiling
    • Steps to risk assessment
    • Indication of risk and its implementation in the risk assessment matrix
    • Correlating the risk with the managerial procedure 
    Session 14 – Discussion of Risk Assessment 
    • Discuss several components of risk assessment that will help to correlate the following points
    • hazardous properties of the activity, article, or substance
    • the risk of harm occurring
    • Risk Assessment 
    • Objectives of Risk Assessment 
    • Criteria for a Suitable and Sufficient Assessment
    • 5 steps starting with – Identifying Hazards 
    • Identifying the People at Risk
    • Evaluating the Risk and Deciding on Precautions
    Session 15 – Safe Systems of Work
    • Written Procedures 
    • Technical, Procedural, and Behavioral Controls 
    • Development of a Safe System of Work 
    • Analyzing Tasks, Identifying Hazards, and Assessing Risks 
    • Introducing Controls and Formulating Procedures 
    • Instruction and Training in the Operation of the System 
    • Monitoring the System 
    • Emergency Procedures 
    • First Aid Procedures
    Session 16 – Active and Reactive Monitoring
    • Active Monitoring 
    • Safety Inspections, Sampling, and Tours 
    • Group Exercise
    • Arrangements for Active Monitoring 
    • Reactive Monitoring
    Session 17 – Investigating Incidents Written Procedures 
    • Function of Investigations 
    • Types of Incident 
    • Basic Investigation Procedures
    • Recording and Reporting Requirements
    • Internal Data Collection
    • Analysis and Communication
    Session 18 – Auditing
    • Definition, Scope, and Purpose of Auditing 
    • Differences between internal and external auditing 
    Session 19 – What is the difference between an audit and an inspection?
    • The Distinction Between Audits and Inspections 
    • The Audit Process from Preparation to Follow-up 
    • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of external and internal audits.
    Session 20 – Reviewing Health and Safety Performance 
    • Purpose of Regular Reviews 
    • Performance Indicators 
    • Continual Improvement

    • Workers that have to supervise and/or manage day-to-day employees and the procedures they do in the workplace.

    • Session 1 - Course Introduction 
    • Session 2 – The importance of Safety 
    • Session 3 – The Law and its significance to safety 
    • Session 4 – Financial Considerations  
    • Session 5 – Roles and Responsibilities 
    • Session 6 – Core Implementations of the Health and Safety Management System
    • Session 6 – Health and Safety Core Documents
    • Session 7 – Parts of the policy 
    • Session 8 – Importance of reviewing the safety policy
    • Session 9 – Health and Safety Culture
    • Session 10 – Improving Health and Safety Culture
    • Session 11 – Improving Health and Safety Culture – continued
    • Session 12 – Human Factors Influencing Safety-Related Behavior
    • Session 13 – Risk Assessment
    • Session 14 – Discussion of Risk Assessment 
    • Session 15 – Safe Systems of Work
    • Session 16 – Active and Reactive Monitoring
    • Session 17 – Investigating Incidents Written Procedures 
    • Session 18 – Auditing
    • Session 19 – What is the difference between an audit and an inspection?
    • Session 20 – Reviewing Health and Safety Performance

    • Previous experience in Health and Safety Management Performance and/or Supervision.

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