The digital learning ecosystem An efficient management approach to capability development, delivering smarter teams, improved productivity and better business outcome for the managers.
Bridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
The digital learning ecosystem Digitally and seamlessly connecting you, the learner, with pertinent learning objects and related technologies ensuring systematic, engaging and continued learning.
Industry and client recognition
Best Outreach Program Finalist: WorldOil Awards
Overall Customer Satisfaction Score
Training provider of the year: 2013, 14 and 15
Upstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableUpstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableBridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
The digital learning ecosystem Digitally and seamlessly connecting you, the learner, with pertinent learning objects and related technologies ensuring systematic, engaging and continued learning.
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Upstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableUpstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableBridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
Develop measurable skills and capabilities
The primary objective of this course is to introduce E&P professionals from disciplines other than Geology to the key concepts and principles of Geology as applied to the Oil & Gas industry.
The course will provide a summary of the fundamentals of Geology that need to be understood in order to integrate such information in the processes of petroleum exploration, development, and production.
This course also includes the Exploration-related modules of the OilSim oilfield online simulation game. The modules will take the participants though the essentials of basin exploration, drilling location evaluation from a geological perspective, and some of the business aspects of getting your first well drilled.
This course also includes a 1-day fieldtrip into the Pyrenees.
Course Objectives - History and Economics of Petroleum - Prudhoe Bay Example
Geology in General
Geological Principles - Earth Structure and Plate Tectonics - Geological Time and Age Dating - Major Rock Types
Structural Features
Structural Style and Stress Fields - Folds, Faults, Unconformities, and Fractures - Structural and Hydrocarbon Traps
Clastic Depositional Systems
Continental Systems – Fluvial Systems - Deltaic Systems and Types - Marine Systems – barriers and deepwater fans
Day 2Carbonate Depositional Systems
Carbonate and Clastic systems contrasts - Carbonate Facies Models - Carbonate Platforms and Ramp Systems - Carbonate Reservoir Properties - Classification of Carbonate Rocks
Geologic Mapping and Cross-Sections
Mapping and Contouring Concepts - Contouring Types and Guidelines - Isopach / Net Pay Mapping Exercises - Structural and Stratigraphic Cross-Sections - Constructing a Cross-Section - Property Mapping Exercises - North Frisco City Field Example
The Petroleum System
What is a Petroleum System? - Processes of Hydrocarbon Generation - Source Rocks – Organic Matter Types - Traps and Seals – definition and types - The Play Concept - Petroleum System Processes and Events
Day 3Correlation and Stratigraphy
Principles of correlation - Use of Wireline Logs for Correlation - Correlation Approaches – Lithostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy - Sequence Stratigraphy, Seismic Stratigraphy & Biostratigraphy
Pore Systems and Diagenesis
Characterizing the Pore System - Porosity and Permeability - Classification of Clastic Rocks - Creation, destruction and preservation of porosity - Diagenesis - Clay Types and Distributions - Porosity types in clastic and carbonate rocks
Geological Modeling
Building a Static Reservoir Model - Input Datatypes - Reservoir Heterogeneity and Scales of Investigation - Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling - Using Seismic Data in Modeling - Derivation of Geological Models using Flow Units
Day 4Unconventional Resources
Shale as a hydrocarbon source and reservoir - Unconventional Gas and Oil - History, definitions, economics
Seismic Methods and Petroleum Geology
Use of Seismic Tools in Petroleum Geology - Basic Principles of the Reflection Seismic Method - Data Acquisition – Land, Marine, and Borehole - Data Processing - Seismic Interpretation – 2D, 3D, and 4D
Basics of Wireline Logging and Interpretation
What Logging Means - Different Measurements We Make - Basic Wireline Tools, and what they measure - Processing and Interpretation - Analysis of Porosity, Saturation, and Lithology
OilSim Exploration Challenges.
Challenge 1 - Explore sedimentary basins and evaluate the best locations
Challenge 2 - Obtaining a licence. Promotion - prospecting and bids
Challenge 3 - Partnerships and exploration drilling
Day 5Field Trip on the Trans-Pyrenean geological road
This is the first international geological road crossing the French & Spanish Pyrenees. It has been jointly developed by a French Organization called “Geoval” and two Spanish Organizations called “Geoambiente”and “GeoTransfert”. This road is a wonderful way to discover the geological heritage of both the Aspe Valley and Upper Aragon. This 200 Kms road records the fabulous story of the formation of the Pyrenees through 400 millions years, which have determined the actual aspect of the Pyrenees and the way of life of its local people.
The itinerary consists of 25 main spots/sites along the road, easily accessible, with incredible views and boards in both French and Spanish which offer a very good and original illustration of the different views and rocks.
This 200kms trip illustrates, step by step, the formation of the Pyrenees: from the sediment settling in seas that have now disappeared, to the erosion of the valleys by the floods, going through the deformation of rocks and the action of the glaciers. For this course, this itinerary starts in Belair with a Panoramic view on the Pyrenees, and goes through Oloron Sainte Marie, Mail Arrouy, Defile d’Escot, Fontaines d’Escot, Bedous, Accous to end in Cette-Eygun. Throughout this itinerary, you will be able to discover main rocks of the road as well as the geological history of the Western Pyrenees.
Entry level to mid-level Engineers, Geoscientists, and other E&P staff who need an understanding of the role Geology plays in their everyday business activities.
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