  • Class and Course

    ISO14040 Life Cycle Assessment

    Course Objective
    The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required 
    to carry out product system life cycle assessment covering the requirement of ISO 14040 
    through LCA goal and scope, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and life cycle 

    The course will discuss the life cycle assessment framework according to the ISO 14040 
    clauses to understand:

    • The tools and techniques that would help to well determine the LCA goal and criteria 
    • of LCA scope,
    • The tools and techniques that collect and validate the life cycle inventory,
    • The method to facilitate the life cycle impact assessment, and
    • The life cycle interpretation through the determination of the study conclusion and 
    • recommendation and if required to carry out any review. 
    • Classroom - Listening and contributing to discussions and exercises including:
    • Induvial exercises, 
    • Group Discussions and workshops, and
    • Roleplay, LCA journey challenge game.

    • Awarding body: IIRSM – UK
    • Pass Requirements: Written exam with 60%

    • Introduction
    • Individual exercise
    • Video
    • Assessment types.
    • Purpose of LCA
    • Production types
    • LCA simple explanation
    • System boundaries explanation
    • Process approach
    • LCA process
    • Group exercise
    • Life Cycle Assessment framework
    • Key features of LCA methodology
    • Introduction of LCA stages
    • Video
    • Brief of LCA each stage
    • Stage one – Goal & Scope identification
    • Goal identification
    • Group exercise
    • Scope requirements
    • Scope identification
    • Group exercise
    • Review stage 1 – individual exercise
    • Stage two – Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI)
    • LCIA introduction
    • Why need this stage for LCA
    • LCI operation procedure
    • LCI preparation and data collection
    • Group exercise
    • Data collection and verification
    • Calculation of environmental load per process unit
    • Calculation of environmental load per function unit
    • Group exercise
    • Calculation of environmental load per product system
    • Group exercise
    • Allocation
    • Calculation of LCI for recycling
    • Group exercise
    • LCI Database
    • Group Exercise
    • Review of stage 2 – individual exercise

    • Stage 3 - Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).
    • Elements & relationships among the elements of LCIA
    • Element of LCIA phase
    • Concept of category identification
    • LCIA terms explanation
    • Details of impact category
    • Assignment of LCI results (classification)
    • Group exercise
    • Calculation of category indicator result (characterization).
    • Group exercise
    • Calculation of the magnitude of category indicator results relative to reference 
    • Information (normalization).
    • Group exercise
    • Classification of inventory parameters
    • Calculation of characterized impact
    • Normalization reference calculation (eutrophication)
    • Review of stage 3 – individual exercise
    • Case study to simulate the application of stages, 2 & 3.

    • Stage 4 - Life cycle interpretation.
    • Objectives of life cycle interpretation
    • Elements of Life Cycle Interpretation
    • Identification of significant issues
    • Evaluation
    • Completeness check
    • Group exercise
    • Sensitivity check
    • Group exercise
    • Consistency check
    • Group exercise
    • Reporting; Conclusions and recommendations
    • Critical review
    • Need for critical review.
    • Critical review processes
    • Review of stage 4 – individual exercise.
    • LCA Journey Challenge Game
    • Final assessment

    • Management at the highest level.
    • Managers and officers in charge of HSE, ESG, and sustainability. 
    • Schlumberger-Private
    • Internal auditors for EMS / Environmental Auditors.
    • Consultants and experts in management systems.
    • Personnel in charge of upgrading legal requirements.
    • Anyone interested in learning more about environmental management?

    • The need for LCA and environmental management traditional and current paradigm. 
    • The type of production model.
    • Introduction of life cycle assessment phases.
    • The techniques used to define the scope of the life cycle assessment.
    • The scope criteria and who to determine the life cycle assessment scope.
    • Who conducts life cycle inventory, data collection, and validation?
    • The life cycle inventory calculation methods and allocation calculation to obtain the 
    • Inventory database.
    • Explain the techniques of life cycle impact assessment.
    • Explain the life cycle interpretation with a conclusion and recommendation.
    • Explain the intention of the LCA review if required.

    • Understanding the fundamentals of environmental management.

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