  • Class and Course

    NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health

    Course Objective
    • This course is designed to reflect the needs of today’s employers giving learners everything they need to know and do to make their workplace safer.
    • Relevant to every workplace, it is ideal for managers, supervisors, and anybody with health and safety management responsibilities. It’s also perfect for those embarking on a health and safety career and gives you a stepping stone to success.
    It can help to:
    • Minimize workplace injuries and illness
    • Boost employee wellbeing
    • Demonstrate your commitment to health and safety, which can win business
    • Classroom (Theoretical) + Risk Assessment conducted by the candidate at a workplace of his choice + Group discussion + Case studies + videos + recorded videos by our approved trainers + exam preparation workshops + mock exams

    • Prior to the exam/project submission date, we also provide  additional exam preparation workshops:
    • 4 complimentary virtual exam preparation sessions
      • IG1 Past exam paper group discussion workshop 
      • IG1 Mock exam2 answers discussion and feedback workshop
      • IG2 Summary tips for common hazards at the workplace and common mistakes in completing IG2 NEBOSH project – workshop
    • IG2 Self-marking workshop
    NEBOSH Certification Package:
    • NEBOSH books
    •  Exam Registration at the NEBOSH website 
    • Course certificate
    • Post exam
    • Closing interview + post result guidance  
    • Additional complimentary exam preparation before the final exam (virtual)

    IG1- Management of Health and Safety

    Why we should manage workplace H&S

    • Session 1 Morals and money
    • Moral argument – poverty and unsafe working conditions?
    • Financial argument – iceberg
    • Insured and uninsured costs
    • Accident statistics- Group discussion about accident statistics
    • Why there is more focus on accident prevention compared to occupational illness?
    • Discussion
    • Session 2 – Regulating H&S
    • Civil Law
    • Criminal Law
    • ILO C155 Convention
    • ILO R164 recommendations
    • National standards
    • The activity of comparison between civil & criminal court
    • Session 3 – Who does what in organizations
    • Duties of employers
    • Duties and rights of employees
    • H&S duties of other parties; contractors, suppliers, visitors, etc…
    • Case study and group discussion
    • Session 4 - Introduction to Open Book Exam
    • What does it cover?
    • How does it work?
    • Tips
    • Common mistakes
    • Samples paper
    • Q&A

    How H&S Management Systems (HSMS)Work and What they Look Like

    • Session 1 – What they are and what is their benefit
    • The common approach of all ISO Standards ( plan-do-check-act)
    • Examples and group discussion
    • Session 2 – What good H&S Management System look like
    • ISO model
    • ILO model
    • External content
    • Internal content
    • Potential benefits of formal HSMS
    • Q&A & group discussion

    Managing Risk – Understanding people & processes

    • Session 1- H&S culture
    • What does it mean?
    • What are in indicators of good/poor H&S culture
    • Peer group effect and influence on H&S culture
    • Q&A & group discussion
    • Session 2- Improving H&S Culture
    • Commitment
    • Promotion
    • Workers, competence
    • Communication – benefits, and limitations of different methods
    • Cooperation
    • Training – when it is needed?
    • Q&A & group discussion
    • Session 3- Human factors influence H&S culture
    • Organizational factors
    • Job factors
    • Individual factors
    • Q&A & group discussion
    • Session 4- Assessing Risk
    • 5 steps of risk assessment
    • Hazard identification
    • Identify people at risk
    • Risk evaluation - Likelihood and consequence
    • Hierarchy of risk control measures
    • Recording the findings
    • Reasons to Review Risk Assessment
    • Risk assessment for specific cases
    • Practical activity/ group discussion
    • Session 5- Management of change in the workplace that could impact safety
    • Emergency procedures
    • Appointment of a competent person
    • Welfare provision
    • Review of change
    • Safe systems of work
    • Permit to work
    • Q&A & group discussion

    H&S Monitoring and Measuring

    • Session 1- active and reactive monitoring
    • The difference between them 
    • Lessons learned from past events
    • Leading and lagging indicators
    • Case studies – group discussion
    • Session 2- investigating accidents
    • Levels of investigation
    • Steps of accident investigation
    • How occupational diseases are recorded and notified by the organizations
    • Group discussion
    • Session 3- H&S Auditing
    • Definition of audit, types of audit
    • Why audit H&SMS?
    • Negative/positive results of the audit 
    • Difference between audit and inspection
    • Stages of audit
    • Group discussion – Q&A
    • Session 4- review of H&S performance 
    • Why need to review?
    • What to consider in review?
    • Different review methods
    • Legal requirements for review 
    • Group discussion – Q&A

    Exam preparation interactive workshop on IG1- Mock exam 1 (Open book exam )

    • Review of a past sample question paper
    • Review of candidates' answers to each part
    • Discuss the tips for good answers and commonly made mistakes
    • Group discussion – Q&A

    IG2- Workplace Hazard Management

    • Session 1
    • IG2 Standard NEBOSH Templet – guidance and group discussion 
    • Session 2
    • Element 5 – Physical and psychological health
    • Noise
    • Physical and psychological effects of exposure to noise
    • Important definitions
    • Noise measurement
    • Evaluation of exposure limits
    • Noise control
    • Group discussion
    • Vibration
    • Whole body vibration
    • Hand-arm vibration
    • Effects and Exposure limits
    • Control measures
    • Case study
    • Session 3: 
    • Radiation
    • Types
    • Occupational sources
    • Effects and control measures
    • Q/A
    • Mental ill-health
    • Stress – types, effects, controls
    • Violence at work – occupations at risk, effects, and controls
    • Group discussion
    • Substance abuse at work
    • Types, effects, and controls – Q&A

    • Session 1: 
    • Element 6 – Musculoskeletal health 
    • Work-related upper limb disorders
    • Occupations, risk factors, control measures  
    • Display screen equipment
    • Case study 
    • Manual handling
    • Task, individual, load, environment 
    • Good handling techniques
    • Video
    • Session 2:
    • Load handling equipment
    • Types, Limitations, Controls, Video
    • Group discussion / Q&A
    • Session 3: 
    • Element 7 -Chemical and biological agents
    • Hazardous substances
    • Forms of chemical agents, Forms of biological agents
    • Acute and chronic effects
    • Case study
    • Assessment of health risks
    • Routes of entry into the body
    • Factors to be considered when assessing the risk
    • Role and limitation of hazardous substances monitoring
    • Group discussion
    • Occupational; exposure limits
    • Purpose of exposure limits
    • Limitations of exposure limits
    • Video
    • Session 4:
    • Control measures
    • Hierarchy, limitation of each type
    • LEV – local exhaust ventilation
    • PPE
    • Q/A
    • Specific agents 
    • Asbestos, Carbon Monoxide
    • Dust: wood dust silica, cement
    • Biological agents: legionella, Leptospira 
    • Case study

    • Session 1: 
    • Element 8 – Health, Welfare, and Work Environment 
    • Health and welfare
    • Drinking water, washing facilities, sanitary conveniences, resting and eating areas, changing areas and lockers
    • Exposure to extreme temperature: heat and cold, effects and controls 
    • Group discussion
    • Session 2: 
    • Working at height
    • Working at height, fragile roofs, falling objects, unprotected edges
    • Access equipment: ladders, scaffolds, other types 
    • Control measures and factors to be considered
    • Session3:
    • Safe working in a confined space
    • Types, general requirements 
    • video
    • Lone working 
    • Types, factors to be considered, and control measures
    • Case study
    • Slips and trips
    • Causes and factors, housekeeping, control measures 
    • Group discussion
    • Session 4: 
    • Safe movement of people and vehicles in the workplace
    • Design of routes at the workplace, factors, and control measures
    • Video

    • Element 9- work equipment
    • Session 1:
    • Hand-held tools
    • general requirements
    • group discussion
    • Session2:
    • providing suitable equipment
    • preventing access to dangerous parts of machinery – types of guards and limitations of each - video
    • provision of information, instruction, training, and supervision about specific hazards to users, maintenance staff, and managers
    • importance of maintenance – group discussion
    • Session3:
    • emergency control in machinery and the importance of labeling and lighting for safe operation
    • video and group discussion

    • Session 1: 
    • Element 10- Fire safety
    • Fire principles – fire principles
    • Classification of fires, Principles of heat transmission, and fire spread
    • Common causes of fire in workplaces, Consequences of fire
    • Video and group discussion
    • Preventing fire and fire spread
    • Storage of flammable liquids
    • Structural measures to prevent fire and smoke spread in the building
    • video
    • Fire alarm and fire-fighting 
    • Common fire detection and alarm systems
    • Portable fire fighting equipment and their working principles
    • video
    • Fire evacuation
    • Requirements for means of escape, assembly points, emergency evacuation plans, and procedures
    • Group discussion 
    • Session 2: 
    • Element 11- Electricity
    • Hazards and risks 
    • Secondary effects 
    • Group discussion
    • Working near HV power lines and Working near underground HV power cables
    • video
    • Factors to be considered 
    • Control measures and protection systems
    • Group discussion and video

    • Additional Exam preparation 4 workshops (before the NEBOSH Exam):
    • Duration: over 2 days for classroom training & over 4 days for virtual training mode
    • IG1 Workshop
      • IG1 Past exam paper group discussion workshop
      • IG1 Mock exam2 answers discussion and feedback workshop

    • Additional Exam preparation 4 workshops (before the NEBOSH Exam):
    • Duration: over 2 days for classroom training & over 4 days for virtual training mode
    • IG2 Workshop
      • IG2 Summary tips for common hazards at the workplace and common mistakes in completing the IG2 NEBOSH project - workshop
      • IG2 Self-marking workshop

    • This qualification is designed for anyone (managers, supervisors, and workers) in any type of organization
    • It’s ideal for anyone who needs a broad understanding of health and safety issues to be able to manage day-to-day risks effectively
    • Many people take the International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (IGC) as the first step in a career in health and safety
    • It gives a valuable overview and is a sound basis for further professional study

    Qualification Technical Content :

    • Qualification Elements
    • Assessment Coverage
    • Why we should manage workplace health and safety
    • Open book examination (OBE)
    • Unit IG1: Management of health and safety
    • How health and safety management systems work and what they look like
    • Managing risk – understanding people and processes
    • Health and safety monitoring and measuring
    • Introduction to Open Book Exam
    • Introduction to IG2 Risk Assessment
    • Physical and psychological health
    • Practical assessment
    • Unit IG2: Risk assessment
    • Musculoskeletal health
    • Chemical and biological agents
    • General workplace issues
    • Work equipment Safety
    • Fire Safety
    • Electricity Safety

    • If taking the course in English, a Good level of English Language if taking the course in English There are no entry requirements for this qualification, however, it is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.
    • Pass requirements: Pass BOTH open book exams and risk assessment report

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