  • Class and Course

    Ray Tracing and Illumination with Petrel

    This three-day hands-on training class provides students with the foundations needed to use the Petrel RTI tools in a full range of acquisition quality control, survey design, and imaging tasks. This course teaches how to create surveys for the different acquisition configurations, how to trace rays using different methods, create synthetic data, illuminate targets, and apply the results in seismic survey design, processing and imaging workflows.

    Day 1

    Geometry layout and ray tracing methods

    Learning objectives:

    -      Navigate the Petrel RTI interface

    -      Explain the different ray tracing methods implemented in Petrel RTI

    -      Define acquisition geometries (Offshore, Onshore, VSP) in Petrel RTI

    -      Trace and display rays in Petrel RTI using the ray shooting method


    Introduction: Petrel RTI interface and project tree description

    Project management

    Create acquisition geometries using RTI plugin

    Create acquisition geometries using SSD plugin

    Edit stations

    Scripts (pattern, area, circular, all live, VSP)

    Streamer surveys

    Import and export surveys (SPS, SEG-P1, Omega DIO, P1/90, OMNI 3D)

    Volcan models

    General ray tracing concepts (ray signatures, ray cones, ray tubes, etc.)

    Review of the ray tracing methods available in Petrel RTI

    Ray tracing experiments (ray shooting method)

    Ray attributes

    Ray filters

    Day 2

    Ray tracing methods and applications

    Learning objectives:

    -      Trace and display rays in Petrel RTI using offset, two-points, and opening angle ray shooting ray tracing

    -      Create rose plots

    -      Create synthetic datasets

    -      QC an earth model using checkshot ray shooting



    Ray tracing experiments (offset, two-points and opening angle ray shooting methods)

    Create rose plots

    Display the ray spreadsheet and export ray data

    Generate synthetic datasets

    Display synthetic datasets using Petrel PSI plugin

    Checkshot ray shooting

    Plot visualization

    Day 3

    Advanced applications

    Learning objectives:

    -      Create illumination maps

    -      Use ray tracing results to estimate survey design parameters

    -      Use Petrel RTI in data processing and imaging tasks

    -      Use Petrel RTI in salt proximity evaluation

    -      Explain wave equation illumination



    Target horizon illumination

    Illumination analysis attributes

    Create an illumination analysis

    Illumination spectrum

    Migration aperture

    Interactively display rays and illumination points

    Evaluate salt proximity

    Wave equation illumination

    Tomography CIP_DIFF ray tracing QC

    VIP optimized stacking of tiles

    This class is suitable for geophysicists and geologists wanting to learn how to integrate the Petrel RTI tools into acquisition QC, survey design, and imaging workflows.

    At the end of the class students will be able to:

    -      Explain the different methods implemented within Petrel RTI to trace rays and in which situations each method could be used

    -      Create and/or import commonly used acquisition configurations into Petrel RTI: offshore NAZ, WAZ, FAZ; onshore orthogonal; VSP offset, walkaway, 3D

    -      Trace and display rays in Petrel RTI using different methods: ray shooting, two-points ray tracing, offset ray tracing, and opening angle ray shooting

    -      Use Petrel RTI to create synthetic datasets, illumination maps, validate models using checkshot ray shooting and estimate survey acquisition parameters

    -      Integrate Petrel RTI into data processing workflows (tomography, imaging)

    A knowledge and understanding of seismic theory, seismic & well data usage and limits, and basic ray tracing concepts. The student should be familiar with the key concepts of seismic survey design, acquisition, and processing.  Familiarity with basic Petrel functionality is essential and knowledge of the Seismic Velocity Model (SVM) Petrel plugin is recommended.

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