  • Class and Course

    Risk Analysis and Assessment - RILS

    Course Summary
    • All workplace activities have or pose a threat to workers in the establishment.
    • No matter who you are or what you are doing, there is a possibility of injury or harm to yourself, others, or the surrounding environment.
    • It is important, therefore, for workers to have a comprehensive understanding of what a hazard is, the different categories of hazards in the workplace and/or in their surrounding environment, the likelihood and severity of the hazards at hand, the adequate controls for the hazard, and the review process.
    • Workers must also learn of their great involvement in the Risk Assessment Process to implement the controls effectively and improve the efficacy of the Health and Safety Management System overall.
    The following points will be discussed in the course:
    • Defining the Health and Safety Management System
    • Understanding the Health and Safety Policy
    • The Roles and Responsibilities of Employers
    • Defining Safety Culture
    • Indicators of Positive Safety Culture
    • How Safety Culture reflects on the Health and Safety Management’s performance
    • How Safety Culture reflects on the perception of risk.
    • Defining what a hazard is. 
    • Classifying and understanding the different types of hazards in a workplace. 
    • Understanding the importance of awareness in detecting different hazards.
    • Understanding adequate actions to be taken when a hazard needs to be controlled.
    • The importance of accountability for a hazard in all levels of the health and safety management system.
    • Defining what risk is.
    • Explain the steps to a risk assessment.
    • Explain the implementation of a risk assessment to assess the likelihood and severity of a hazard. 
    • Explain the hierarchy of controls.
    • Explain the importance of implementing these controls at all levels of the Health and Safety Management System.
    • The Importance of all the above points in the review process of the Health and Safety Management System.
    Day 1 
    • Session 1 - Course Introduction  
    • Session 2 – Why is Safety Important?
    • Define Safety, Health, and Welfare. 
    • Define the Moral, Financial, and Legal Obligations the management system has towards its workers. 
    • Understanding the Financial complications which can arise from lack of implementation of Safety.
    • Understanding the Moral complications which can arise from lack of implementation of Safety.
    • Understanding the Legal complications which can arise from lack of implementation of Safety.
    • Session 3 – The Health and Safety Policy 
    • Define the Health and Safety Policy 
    • Explaining its importance in the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
    • Explain the Statement of Intent 
    • Explain the Organization Chart 
    • Explain the Arrangements, which indicate the Risk Assessment and its procedures. 
    • Session 4 – Roles and Responsibilities
    • The Roles and Responsibilities of Employers in the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
    • The Roles and Responsibilities of Employees in the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
    • The Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Specialists in the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
    • The Roles and Responsibilities of Contractors in the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)
    • Explain the importance of reviewing the HSMS.
    Day 2
    • Session 5 – Safety Culture
    • Defining Safety Culture
    • Indicators of Positive Safety Culture
    • Indicators of Negative Safety Culture
    • How Safety Culture reflects on the Health and Safety Management’s performance
    • How Safety Culture reflects on the perception of risk.
    • Session 6 – Hazard Identification
    • Define Hazard
    • Indicate and explain the different types of hazard categories in the workplace.
    • Provide a variety of events that are known to be excessively hazardous, such as permits to work areas.
    • Indicate the individuals at harm from different hazards in the workplace.
    • How can the HSMS increase the worker and the organization’s perception of hazards?
    • How safety culture can increase hazard recognition.
    • How negative safety culture decreases hazard perception workplace.
    • How a poor HSMS decreases hazard perception in the workplace.
    • Session 7 – Practical Session
    • Trainees shall have a supervised walk around the workplace to independently indicate hazards in the workplace. The trainees will then discuss what they have found in the workplace with the trainer in order to increase their hazard perception.
    Day 3
    • Session 8 – Risk Assessment
    • Define Risk
    • The importance of Risk Assessment in the workplace.
    • Define Likelihood and Severity
    • Correlate the Hazard Category with Risk
    • Who should be involved in the Risk Assessment
    • Explain the Five Steps to Risk Assessment: Identify the Hazard, Identify who might be harmed and how, Implement Controls, Monitor the Effectiveness, and Review
    • Explaining the Risk Assessment Matrix
    • How a Risk is calculated in terms of likelihood and severity.
    • Session 9 – Hierarchy of Controls
    • Defining Elimination, with adequate workplace examples
    • Defining Substitution, with adequate workplace examples
    • Defining Engineering Controls, with adequate workplace examples
    • Defining Administrative Controls, with adequate workplace examples
    • Defining Personal Protective Equipment, with adequate workplace examples
    • Session 10 – Practical Session
    • Workers and Supervisors shall participate in an assignment in which they will be provided a risk to be assessed and to apply adequate controls in accordance with timescales, safety recommendations, and budget. 

    • All workers will require core knowledge towards Risk Assessment and refreshment towards their skills in the workplace.
    • Supervisors and Team Leaders.
    • HSE Supervisors and LPT leaders.

    • Session 1 - Course Introduction  
    • Session 2 – Why is Safety Important?
    • Session 3 – The Health and Safety Policy
    • Session 4 – Roles and Responsibilities
    • Session 5 – Safety Culture
    • Session 6 – Hazard Identification
    • Session 7 – Risk Assessment
    • Session 8 – Hierarchy of Controls

    • Basic Knowledge of Health, Safety & Environment. 

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