  • Class and Course

    Warehouse Best Practices for Managing & Improving Warehouse Operation

    Warehouse Management and Physical Distribution are important flow control activities in the Logistics Management Function.  Regardless of the efficiency with which all activities have been conducted, these activities have major roles in determining the degree to which total satisfaction is achieved. In today's, the quality of warehousing and distribution management can have significant impact on performance and profitability.

    It is important that both direct and indirect employees involved in these activities fully understand their roles and indeed the consequences of substandard performance.  Internally as a team as well as with other internal functions is crucial to success.

    During this program participants will learn how to measure and evaluate and improve warehouse efficiency and personnel productivity. Topics include warehouse operational requirements; inventory management; warehouse transactions; receiving procedures; warehouse efficiency and layout; concepts of MRP, control systems; replenishment; establishing safety stock and service levels; inventory classification and inventory management warehouse operations


    Welcome & Introduction

    Overview of Training Agenda


    • Store / warehouse definition
    • Roles of store / warehouse
    • Warehousing- Objectives of Warehouse Management
    • Benefits of Warehousing
    • Elements of Warehousing
    • Features of a Good Warehouse
    • Distribution Centers
    • Cross Docking
    • Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)

    General provisions

    • Principles
    • Roles & duties

    Standardization and classification

    • Coding system
    • Material characterization, standardization &classification

    Requisition and stock control

    • Control the quantity and value of stock.
    • Material required planning MRP.

    Receiving materials and equipment.

    • Receiving and shipping department
    • Arrival of shipments and arranging & preparation process
    • Inspection and testing process
    • Material discrepancy report "MDR" (Damage, Shortage, Increase)
    • Criticism & claims of material
    • Returned material and equipment.
    • Re-export of materials and equipment


    Case study


    Group discussion & Quiz

    • Provisions and principles
    • Storing process
    • Storage categories
    • Storing requirements, facilities and recommendations 
    • Dealing with hazardous materials
    • Precautions for storing & maintenance the hazardous materials.
    • Handling and storing flammable or combustible liquids.
    • Dealing with chemical materials
    • Safe system for storing & handling.
    • Storage risks
    • Food storing in camps.
    • Management of materials and equipment handling
    • Material handling basics
    • Loading and unloading
    • Types of handling materials and equipment
    • Lifting Operations
    • Handling equipment and accessories
    • Dealing with hazardous materials
    • Project materials
    • Project materials controlling & inventory.
    • Controlling methods for different project contracting
    • Surplus construction materials left over.


    Case study


    Group discussion & Quiz

    • Safety
    • General safety precautions
    • Safety measures, storing & handling.
    • Safety precautions in design and facilities
    • Safety working measures in warehouse.
    • First aid
    • Preventive maintenance for stored materials and equipment
    • Some special standards for protective maintenance
    • Saving & protection of material
    • Full controlling for surplus, junk, salvage & scrap ‘’materials & equipment
    • Generalities “surplus-salvage-scrap-junk
    • Surplus of stock
    • Surplus of equipment depreciable, repairing, salvage
    • Junk materials & equipment
    • Inventory control
    • Considers for the required items of stock.
    • Times & quantities of stock orders
    • Considers for ordering & re-ordering the stock material.
    • Control of spare parts
    • Controlling of stock component
    • Managing movable assets
    • Movable assets
    • Numbering, classification

    • Responsibility of movable sector and used department.
    • Movable storage and inventory
    • Movable excluding
    • Security for company material and properties
    • Principles
    • Security
    • Small tools & control
    • Loss or damage
    • Issuing from warehouse
    • Service-issue methods station stores
    • Procedural requirements
    • Stock control-issue guides
    • Demonstrates ability to apply Practical Inventory Management Tools and mentor others to use them.
    • Ability to master Item Master Management

    Case study

    Group discussion & Quiz

    • All individuals who have a stake in the supply chain and all logistics, materials, inventory, stock, warehouse, and distribution professionals
    • All those who are looking to make business gains and benefits and to any owners, operators and directors of companies with warehouse and stores operations and who hold stock and inventory.
    • Who need to develop their limited understanding about Warehouse and Inventory management?

    Upon the successful completion of the course, participants will be able to:

    • Understand how the various activities in warehouse operation is cost.
    • Describe the structure, processes, and key elements in the supply chain, particularly relating to stock & materials management.
    • Develop a solid understanding of the international best practice in Material and warehouse management.
    • Select the most appropriate Describe the structure, processes, and key elements in the supply chain, particularly relating to stock & materials management.
    • Develop a solid understanding of the international best practice in Material and warehouse management.
    • Select the most appropriate methods of Material and warehouse management for you organization.
    • How the decision to stock can be made more effectively to avoid surplus materials
    • Reduce operating costs for your organization through optimized logistics management methods of Material and warehouse management for an organization.
    • How the decision to stock can be made more effectively to avoid surplus materials
    • Gain from making productivity improvements in all operations
    • Understand how to select and maintain warehouse equipment.
    • Knows the best-in-class methods in receiving and issuing stocks to reduce loss and damage.
    • Understand how to manage the warehouse operation effectively to reduce costs.
    • Know Functions of Warehousing, Problems in Warehousing, Usages of Computers in the Warehouse
    • Know the Receipt of Materials and Inspection, Pre-inspection, Expediting, Receipts from Suppliers, Transfers from Other Storehouses, Returns from Production or Other Departments, Scrap Arising, Inspection , Vendor quality Rating , Marshalling Receipts and Receipt of Capital Items within the Organization .
    • Understand Preservation Practices - Issue and Dispatch - Authorization of Issues - Identification of Requirements - Timing of Issues - Methods of Issuing Stores for Internal Use - Records and Understand Systems - Purpose of Stock Records - Manual Systems - Computerized Systems
    • Eliminate wasteful costs.


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